健jiànⅠ (强健) healthy;strong;well-set: 稳 ~ firm;steady;sane; 康 ~ healthy;in good health Ⅱ ❶ (使强健) strengthen;toughen;invigorate: ~脾 invigorate the function of the spleen;~ 胃 be good for the stomach ❷ (在某一方面显示的程度超过一般;善于) be strong in;be good at: ~ 谈 be a good talker Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 武 Jian Wu ◆健步 walk with vigorous strides; 健步如飞 walk as if on wings;at a good bat;fleet [swift] of foot;walk fast and vigorously;walk with much bounce;with flying feet; 健儿 valiant fighter;good athlete;skilled athlete; 健将 master sportsman;top-notch player; 健康 health;healthy;physique;sound;fit; 健康产业 health industry; 健康检查 physical examination;check-up;health examination; 健康人格 health personality; 健美 strong and handsome;vigorous and graceful; 健美操 body-building exercises; 健美裤 vigorous and graceful trousers; 健美体操 callisthenics; 健脾益肺 strengthening spleen and tonifying lung; 健全 sound;sane;perfect;regular;integrity;perfect;improve;strengthen; 健身操 body building exercise; 健身房 gymnasium;gym;fitness centre; 健谈 be a good talker;be a brilliant conversationalist; 健忘 forgetful;having a bad memory;have a poor memory;amnesia; 健忘症 {医} amnesia; 健在 [书] (of a person of advanced age) be still living and in good health; 健壮 healthy and strong;anosia;robust |