做到ensure; accomplish; attain; achieve; so that ~准时开会。We’ll see to it that the meeting is held punctually./前人~的,我们一定能~,而且能做得更好。We’ll certainly accomplish and even do a better job of what our predecessors have accomplished./说到~be as good as one’s word;keep one’s promise/~紧中有活apply both strict and flexible measures as appropriate/~人人职责分明,事事有人负责so that every functionary has clearly defined responsibilities and every kind of work has someone to be held accountable for/~仁至义尽do what is humanly possible to help;display the greatest magnanimity/~投资少、见效快ensure quicker results with less investment /~有奖有惩ensure due punishments and rewards to /~又好又快的发展achieve sound and quick growth |