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❶ (不正; 歪斜) inclined to one side; slanting; leaning: 东南 ~ 东 southeast by east; 方向略 ~ in a slight slanting direction; 这个指标 ~ 低。 The target is on the low side. 这一枪打 ~ 了。 That shot missed.
❷ (只侧重一面) partial; prejudiced: 不 ~ 不倚 even-handed; impartial; unbiased; 兼听则明,~ 信则暗 listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted Ⅱ ❶ (移向一边) move to one side: 他 ~ 过头去。 He turned his head. 太阳 ~ 西了。 The sun declined toward the west.; The sun is to the wewst. 这口井几乎 ~ 了30度角。The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.
❷ (客套话, 表示先用或已用过茶饭等)have had (a meal): 谢谢,我已经先 ~ 了,您请自己吃吧。 Thank you, I've eaten already. You go ahead. Ⅲ (相当于“偏偏”) deliberately; contrary to what is expected: 不该她去,她 ~ 要去。 She was not supposed to go but she insisted on going. 干吗 ~ 问他? Why ask him, of all people? 他 ~ 不听。 He simply wouldn't listen. 他为什么 ~ 要那样做? Why must he do it that way? Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 可 Pian Ke
◆偏爱 favour; have partiality for sth; be partial to; have a preference for; love one more than another; play favourites; take sides; go over board; show favouritism to sb.; have a predilection for; 偏安 (of a feudal regime) be content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country; 偏安一隅 be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country; 偏差 deviation; offset; deflection; departure; divergence; drift; variance; declination; leeway; error; astigmatism; 偏磁 bias magnet; bias; magnetic biasing; 偏度 skewness; measure of skewness; 偏方 {中医} folk prescription; effective folk remedy; traditional popular prescription; peculiar prescription; 偏方差 partial variance; 偏房 wing; wing-room; concubine; 偏废 do one thing and neglect another; emphasize one thing at the expense of another;
偏锋 (of calligraphy) the leaning of the tip of a writing brush; (of writing style, talking, etc.) setting about in a roundabout way; 偏光 polarized light; 偏航 yaw; going off course; leeway; sheer-off; crab; drift; off-course; flight-path deviation; 偏护 be partial to and side with; show partiality for; take sides with; 偏激 go to extremes; extreme; 偏见 prejudice; bias; preconception; partial opinion; warp; slant; 偏角 drift angle; angle of avertence; deflection; 偏晶(的) monotectic; 偏晶体 monotectic; 偏科 tend to go overboard on one or some subjects; 偏口鱼 flatfish; 偏枯 {中医} hemiplegia; lopsided (development, etc.); 偏离 deviate; diverge; deflect; departure; drift; offset; wander; 偏离正路 excursion; 偏流 bias current; current bias; bias; partial; 偏旁 Chinese character component; the side of a Chinese character; a radical on one side of a character; the right and left part of a character; 偏僻 remote; out-of-the-way; far-off; 偏偏不巧 as ill luck will [would] have it; 偏偏 deliberately; just; only; 偏频 offset frequency; 偏颇 [书] biased; partial; 偏巧 it so happened that; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunate ̄ ly; 偏衫 a kind of monk's [nun's] gown, draped slantingly over the left shoulder; 偏师 wing or flank of an army; auxiliary force; 偏食 {天} partial eclipse; 偏私 practise favouritism; 偏瘫 {医} hemiplegic paralysis; hemiplegia; semisideratio; semisideration; semiplegia; 偏袒 favour; be partial to and side with; show partiality for; discriminate in favour of; weight; take sides with; be partial to; have partiality for (sth.); bias for; 偏袒一方 be biased towards one side; inclined to one side; 偏疼 [口] show favourism to sb.; be partial to sb.; 偏题 a catch question; a tricky question; 偏听偏信 listen to only one side; believe one-side story; believe what is but a one-sided view of the question; be partial to; hear a lop-sided view of the matter and take it to be true; heed [hear] and trust only one side; listen to and believe only in certain people's opinions; listen to sb. and be biased towards him; take sb.'s word with an inclined ear; 偏头痛 {医} cephalagra; migraine; hemicrania; 偏位 off normal; 偏西 westing; 偏析 segregation (物冶); macrosegregation; eliguation; 偏狭 provinciality; 偏向 erroneous tendency; deviation; be partial to; 偏心 partialty; bias; {机} eccentric; off ccntre; offset; running out; 偏心轴 eccentric shaft; 偏压 bias voltage; biasing voltage; bias; biasing; priming; 偏要 insist on; persist in; would; 偏移 shifting; deviation; excursion; skewing; offset; offset branch; wander; bias; drift; 偏远 remote; faraway; 偏载 unbalance loading; 偏振 {物} polarization; 偏振光 {物} polarized light; 偏正词组 {语} word group consisting of a modifier and the word it modifies; 偏执己见 stick to one's own opinion; be bigoted in one's opinion; 偏执型人格 paranoid personality; 偏置 polarization; skewing; offset; bias; biasing; setover;
偏重 lay particular stress on; have a bias towards; be inclined to; tend to; one-sidedly; emphasize; overweight; 偏轴 off-axis; 偏转 deflection; diversion; excursion; dogleg; deft; runout; turn-back; declination; deviation; yawing; 偏坠 {中医} swelling with bearing-down pain of one testis; swelling and prolapse of one of the scrota





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