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单词 倾箱倒箧

倾箱倒箧倾筐倒庋qīng xiāng dǎo qiè

turn out all one’s boxes and suitcases—give away all one has; get it all out lock,stock and barrel
❍ 有什么就检讨什么,一个钟头,顶多两个钟头,~而出,无非是那么多。(毛泽东《在扩大的中央工作会议上的讲话》35) We must examine whatever needs examining for one or at most two hours,getting it all out lock,stock and barrel—that’ll be the lot.
❍ 王右军郗夫人谓二弟司空、中郎曰:“王家见二谢,倾筐倒庋;见汝辈来,平平尔,汝可无烦复往。”(刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》)Wang Ningqi’s wife,Lady Xie,said to her two younger brothers,Qi Yin and Qi Tan,“In the Wang household,whenever they see the two Xies,they overturn the baskets and put their clogs on backward (in their haste to meet them).But when they see you two coming,everything is calm and peaceful. You may as well not trouble yourselves to visit any more.”

倾箱倒箧qīnɡ xiānɡ dào qiè

倾:倒;箧:小箱子。把大小箱子里所有的东西都倒出来。比喻尽其所有,一点也没留下。turn out all one’s boxes and suitcases, give away all one has





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