倚yǐⅠ ❶ (靠着) lean on or against; rest on or against: ~ 栏远眺 lean on the parapet and gaze into the distance; ~ 门而立 stand leaning by the door; 他 ~ 在那棵树上。He leaned against the tree. 她 ~ 在情人的臂上。She leaned on her lover's arm. 梯子 ~ 在墙上。The ladder rested against the wall. ❷ (仗恃) rely on; count on; depend on: ~ 势欺人 take advantage of one's position to bully people Ⅱ [书] (偏; 歪) biased; partial:不偏不 ~ unbiased; impartial Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 相 Yi Xiang ◆倚官仗势 take advantage of one's position and power; count on powerful connections; presume on official power; rely on one's power and position; 倚靠 lean on or against; rest on or against; depend on; rely on; sth. to fall back on; support; backing; 倚赖 rely on; be dependent on; 倚老卖老 pride oneself on being a veteran; advantage of one's seniority; capitalize on being advanced in age; come the old soldier over; flaunt one's seniority; get self-conceited because of seniority; look down upon others by presuming on one's advanced age; presume on old age (to despise others); self-importance of the aged; take advantage of one's old age to ...; take advantage of one's seniority or old age.; 倚马可待 leaning on a horse to dash off a piece in no time; can write off a dispatch in a moment; 倚势欺人 insult people by presuming on one's power; abuse one's power and bully others; take advantage of one's position to bully others; 倚仗 rely on; count on; 倚重 rely heavily on sb.'s service |