倍bèiⅠ (倍数) times;-fold:五~ five times; 百 ~ hundredfold; 该厂产量成 ~ 增长。 The output of the factory has doubled and redoubled. 十是五的两 ~。Ten is twice as much as five.Ⅱ (加倍) double;twice as much:事半功 ~ get twice the result with half the effort;~ 加兴奋 doubly excited; 信心 ~ 增 with redoubled confidence; 加 ~ 小心 be doubly cautious ◆倍道兼行 cover two days journey in one day;go with double speed; 倍加 extraordinarily;extremely;extra;double;duplex;multiply;duplicate;increase by one fold; 倍数 (一数除以另一数所得的商) times;(能被另一整数所整除的整数) multiple; 倍增 multiplication;doubly;redouble; 倍增惆怅 double one's cares and worries;the more grieved |