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单词 信口开河

信口开河信口开合xìn kǒu kāi hé

be a romancer;be indiscreet;give free rein to one’s imagination; have a loose tongue; loosen up;rambling blether; run off at the mouth; say at a venture; say whatever comes to one’s mind without proper consideration; shoot off (one’s mouth); speak(/talk) at random; talk babble (/drivel/jabber/nonsense); talk irresponsibly; tell tall stories;unbridle the tongue; wag one’s tongue too freely
❍ 叙事有时也有一点旧书上的根据,有时却不过~。(鲁迅《故事新编》序言) In some places the narrative is based on passages in old books,elsewhere I gave free rein to my imagination.
❍ 这样在恐惧与希望的交织线下,她们对于黄道士的~,就不知不觉发生了多少信仰。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—350) Yet hope lurked behind their fear. And so,in spite of themselves,they couldn’t help having a certain amount of confidence in Huang the Priest’s rambling blether.
❍ 贾蓉只管~,胡言乱道,三姐儿沉了脸,早下炕进里间屋里,叫醒尤老娘,这里贾蓉见他老娘醒了,忙去请安问好。(《红楼梦》823) As Jia Rong was rattling away so wildly he noticed that the old lady had woken up,and made haste to pay his respects.
❍ 我慌忙站了起来,面对~的老润,一时想不起台词来了。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》526) I stood up in a panic,turned towards Old Run,who was still spouting away,and realized that I had forgotten my words.
❍ 你在~!谁个看见,谁个听见?(郭沫若《屈原》109) You are talking nonsense. Who saw it? Who heard it?/村老老是~,…… (《红楼梦》471) An old village woman tells tall stories.


talk irresponsibly;wag one’s tongue at random; talk nonsense; talk drivel;talk off the top of one’s head
我这是~,随便谈谈脑子里转的东西。I’m talking off hand,simply speaking my mind./~,胡说八道talk at random and utter nonsense; speak at random and talk nonsense/~的奇谈怪论nonsensical and preposterous arguments

信口开河xìn kǒu kāi hé

毫无根据,随口乱说。shoot one’s mouth off, shoot off, run off at the mouth, talk irresponsibly, speak at random, speak without the book, have a loose tongue





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