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❶ (风俗) custom; convention: 移风易 ~ break with old customs; bring about a change in morals and mores; 入乡随 ~。 When in Rome do as the Romans do.
❷ (没出家的人) secular; lay: 僧 ~ monks and laymen; clergy and laity Ⅱ ❶ (大众的; 普遍流行的) popular; common: 通 ~ popular (language, style, etc.)
❷ (庸俗; 俗气) vulgar: 脱 ~ free from vulgarity; 衣着不 ~ in fashion; a style that is much worn
◆俗不可耐 too vulgar to be endured; meretricious; rococo; unbearably vulgar; unbearably common;
俗称 vulgo;
俗话 common saying; popular saying; proverb; adage;
俗家 the parents' home of a monk;
俗名 trivial name; popular name; local name;
俗气 vulgar; in poor taste;
俗尚 current fashions;
俗套 conventional pattern; convention;
俗体字 popular form of characters;
俗语 common saying; folk adage;
俗字 popular form of characters

❶custom; practice; convention
❷popular;common; ordinary
❸vulgar; boorish
❹secular; lay
入乡随~When in Roman,do as the Romans do./民~folk custom;folkway/陋~unsavory(or undesirable) practice(or custom)/习~custom;convention/雅~共赏 (of a work of art or literature)appeal to both the more and the less cultured;suit both refined and popular tastes/通~歌曲 popular song/粗~vulgar;coarse; crude/庸~vulgar; philistine/还~resume secular life (佛教)/僧~secular and eccelesiastical





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