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(时间短、紧迫) (of time) short;hurried;urgent: 短 ~ of very short duration;
气 ~ breathe quickly;be short of breath;pant Ⅱ ❶ (催;推动) urge;promote: 催 ~ urge;hurry;
敦 ~ urge;press
❷ [书](靠近) close to;close up;near: ~ 膝 sit knee to knee;sit close together
◆促成 help to bring about;facilitate;help to materialize;favour;{农} (用人工环境促使作物提早成熟) forcing;
促动 {机} actuate;motivate;
促进 promote;advance;boost;accelerate;facilitate;encourage;further;gear up;
促声 {语} entering tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese pronunciation,still retained in certain dialects;
促使 precipitate;impel;urge;spur;
促膝谈心 sit side by side and talk intimately;draw close together (knee to knee) and chat;have a heart-to-heart talk;have a heart-to-heart talk with sb.;have an intimate [a nice] chat together;intimate discussion knee to knee [tête-à-tête];sit together and have a heart-to-heart talk;(They) talked sitting face to face.;
促狭 [方] mischievous;
促狭鬼 mischievous fellow;practical joker;mischievous person;mischief;person who likes to play jokes on others





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更新时间:2025/3/4 2:14:55