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单词 height
height/hɑɪt/ n

(1) 1)高(度)(measurement (from the bottom to the top) of a thing or from head to foot of a standing person) of how tall sb ishow high sth is)[UC]:What's the~of the mountain/the wall/the building?山/墙/大楼的高度是多少?(sb) be six feet/two metres in~(某人)六英尺/两米高;(sb) be of medium/ordinary~某人中等/普通身高;(tree)grow to 30 metres in~(树)长到30米高;grow/rise/climb to a/the~of several hundred feet 长到/上升/爬到几百英尺的高度;grow to considerable~s 长到相当的高度;What~can you jump? 你能跳多高?2)个子高(being tall)[U]:H~is an advantage in playing basketball.个头高在打篮球中是个有利条件。

(2)(指物体或位置的)高度;海拔((point at a) fixed or measured distance above ground or sea level)[CU]:fly at a~of 1000 feet above sea level/the ground在海拔/距地面1000英尺的高度飞行;(balloon) rise to a~of 12,000 feet(气球)升到1.2万英尺;(river) rise to the~of the main road beside it(河水)涨到河边大道的高度;(aircraft)reach its maximum~(飞机)达到其最高的高度;(bag) drop from about shoulder~(包)从大约肩的高度掉落下来;(plane) gain~(飞机)爬高;

(3)高处(地)(high point;high place)[C,尤 pl(sing意义)]:look down/fall from a great~从一个很高的地方向下看/掉下来;on the mountain/Syrian Golan~s在高山/叙利亚戈兰高地上;be afraid of~s 畏高;

(4)顶点,绝顶(greatest or most important point (of sth) that one reaches or can reach;summit utmost degree)[U]:the~of folly/rudeness/pleasure/luxury/summer 愚蠢透顶/粗野之极/愉快之极/奢侈之极/盛夏季节;at the~of one's ambition/one's career/one's power处于雄心壮志/事业/权力之巅;(storm/crisis/famine) be at its~(暴风雨/危机/饥荒)正剧;be dressed in the~of fashion 穿着极其时髦;reach the~s in one's profession 达到职业的顶峰;〖同〗peak;






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