单词 | hedge |
释义 | hedge/hedʒ/ n [-s / ɪz/];v [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-e\ing / ɪ ŋ/] n (1)树篱(line of bushes,etc planted so closely together that their branches form a solid mass grown round the edges of gardens,fields,etc)[C]:plant a privet/yew/beech~around the garden 在花园周围种上水腊树/紫杉树/山毛榉树篱;〖同〗fence; (2)防备损失的手段(sth which protects(a person) from possible loss,damage,criticism,etc)[C][N(against)]:buy a lot of gold coins/a house/some gold as a~against inflation购买大量的金币/一座房子/一些金子以防通货膨胀;A savings account is a~against misfortune. 将积蓄存在银行可防不测。 v (1)用树篱围住(隔开)(enclose (an area of land) with a hedge)[T+n]:~a garden/a yard 用树篱围住花园/院子;~off part of the garden 用树篱将花园的一部分分隔开; (2)闪烁其词,避免直接回答(avoid giving a clear answer to a question,or refuse to answer directly)[I]:stop~ing! 不要含糊其词!There's no point in asking him—he always~s. 问他没用,他总是闪烁其词。You're~ing again. 你又在回避问题。 hedge one's bets 脚踏两只船;骑墙:I'm not certain about which job I'll get so I'll~my bets and apply for both.我没把握应选哪份工作,所以我将申请两份工作,以保万无一失。 hedge about/around (with)(v adv)限制(vt):His life was~d about with petty regulations.他的生活受到种种清规戒律的限制。 →′hedge-hog n 刺猬;′hedge-hop v 掠地(极低空)飞行;′hedgerow n(一排)灌木树篱;′hedge-sparrow n 篱雀 |
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