供ɡōnɡⅠ ❶ (供给;供应) supply;feed:~ 不起 cannot supply what is demanded;~ 不上 run out;be in short supply ❷ (提供某种利用的条件) provide;for (the use or convenience of):~ 随时参考 for ready reference; 仅 ~ 参考 for your reference only; 这家餐馆可 ~ 200人同时用餐。 This restaurant can accommodate two hundred people at a time. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 仲序 Gong Zhongxu 另见 see also ɡònɡ。 ◆供包机 parcel feeder; 供不应求 The supply is not adequate to the demand.;Demand exceeds supply.;Supply falls short of demand.;Supply fails to meet the demand.;The supply does not meet the demand.;The demand outstrips the supply.;The supply can hardly keep pace (up) with the demand.;The supply cannot keep pace with the increasing demand.;The supply is far from meeting the crying demand of the public.;The supply is unable to meet the demand.;(企业)供产销 supply of materials to these enterprises,their production and the marketing of their goods;procurement,production and sales; 供大家欣赏 oblige; 供弹 {军} ammunition feed; 供电 supply electricity;power supply;current supply;feed;feeding;supply; 供货 supply of material; 供货人发票 supplier's invoice; 供过于求 pile up in excess of requirement;in excess of demand;in excess supply;The supply exceeds the demand.;The supply has outstripped the demand.; 供给 supply;provide;furnish;feed;appoint;deliver; 供冷站 cold supply station; 供料 {工} feed; 供能 supply energy;energy supply; 供能(食)物 dynamophore; 供暖 {建} supply heating;heating; 供暖与通风 heating and ventilating; 供气 air feed;air supply; 供汽 steam supply; 供求 supply and demand; 供求经济学 economics of supply and demand; 供求律 {经} law of supply and demand; 供热 heat addition;supply heat;supply of heat; 供热并发电 combined heat and power generation; 供水 water supply;water delivery;water; 供体 {生,化} donor;donator; 供销 supply and marketing [distribution];supply and sell for; 供销科 supply and marketing section; 供需比率 the supply-demand ratio; 供需平衡 co-ordination of supply and demand; 供需双方 supply and requisitioning parties; 供需总量 total supply and demand; 供血 blood-supply; 供盐过多 hyperchloridation; 供氧设备 oxygen supply equipment; 供氧系统 oxygen system; 供养 provide for (one's parents or elders);provide for the need (of one's parents or elders);support;fend; 供液泵 solution feed pump; 供应 supply;accommdate; 供应不足 under-supply;insufficiency;The supply of ... is insufficient.;not enough goods on hand;The supply is short.;in short supply; 供应充沛 The supply is sufficient to meet the demand; 供应充足 be in liberal [abundant] supply; 供应处 supply department; 供应方 supplier; 供应紧张 tension supply;There are acute shortages of market supplies.; 供应品 supplies; 供应站 supply station; 供应者 supplier;provider; 供油 fuel feeding;oil supply
供ɡònɡⅠ ❶ (供品) offerings:上 ~ offer up a sacrifice ❷ (口供;供词) confession;deposition:逼 ~ extort a confession; 诱 ~ elicit confession Ⅱ ❶ (供奉) lay (offerings) ❷ (受审者陈述案情) confess;own up:~ 述 make a deposition; 招 ~ confess; 他 ~ 出了主犯的名字。 He gave the name of the chief culprit. 另见 see also ɡōnɡ。 ◆供词 a statement made under examination;confession; 供奉 enshrine and worship;consecrate; 供具 sacrificial vessel; 供品 offerings; 供认 confess; 供认不讳 confess everything;candidly confess; 供养 make offerings to;offer sacrifices to;enshrine and worship;consecrate; 供职 hold office; 供状 written confession;deposition; 供桌 altar |