作用❶role;effect;useful purpose ❷act on;affect;produce an effect on 共产党员在民族战争中的模范~。Communists should set an example in the national war./这有很大~。This can serve a useful purpose./联大的决议对…不起~。The General Assembly resolution has no effect on…./我的话不起~。My words fell on deaf ears./刹车不起~。The brakes don’t work./他那样说是另有~的。He had an axe to grind when he said that.or:He had ulterior motives in saying that./先锋和模范~exemplary vanguard role/共产党员的先锋~和模范~the exemplary vanguard role of the Communists/起带头~play a leading role/起积极~play a positive role/副~side effect/化学~chemical action/心脏的~ function of the heart/~和反~action and reaction |