作物育种zuò wù yù zhǒnɡFarm WorksDDT杀虫剂 [DDT shā chónɡ jì] DDT; dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 氨水 [ān shuǐ] ammonia water 白粉病 [bái fěn bìnɡ] powdery mildew 斑点病 [bān diǎn bìnɡ] scab 雹 [báo] hail 暴风雪 [bào fēnɡ xuě] blizzard 表土 [biǎo tǔ] topsoil 病虫害 [bìnɡ chónɡ hài] insect pest and plant diseases 播种 [bō zhǒnɡ] sowing 拨节期 [bō jié qī] jointing stage 补全苗 [bǔ quán miáo] filling up spaces by transplanting 不毛之地 [bù máo zhī dì] barren land 采 [cǎi] pick 菜青虫 [cài qīnɡ chónɡ] cabbage worm 菜子饼 [cài zǐ bǐnɡ] rapecake 藏 [cánɡ] store 草肥 [cǎo féi] straw manure 插秧 [chā yānɡ] rice transplanting; transplant rice shoots 长势 [zhǎnɡ shì] growth vigour 长相 [zhǎnɡ xiànɡ] growth feature 冲积地 [chōnɡ jī dì] alluvial land 冲积土 [chōnɡ jī tǔ] alluvial soil 虫害控制 [chónɡ hài kònɡ zhì] pest control 抽穗 [chōu suì] earing; heading 锄 [chú] hoeing 除草 [chú cǎo] weeding 除草剂 [chú cǎo jì] weed killers; weedicide 春肥 [chūn féi] spring top-dressing 纯种 [chún zhǒnɡ] pure seed 催芽器 [cuī yá qì] germinator 打谷场 [dǎ ɡǔ chǎnɡ] threshing-ground 打尖 [dǎ jiān] topping; cut the terminal bud off the main stem 打杈 [dǎ chà] remove superfluous branches or shoots 单季 [dān jì] single cropping 氮肥 [dàn féi] nitrogenous fertilizer 倒伏 [dǎo fú] lodging; leaning 稻白叶枯病 [dào bái yè kū bìnɡ] bacterial blight of rice 稻杆锈病 [dào ɡǎn xiù bìnɡ] rice bunt 稻螟虫 [dào mínɡ chónɡ] rice borer 稻田 [dào tián] paddy fields 稻瘟病 [dào wēn bìnɡ] rice blast 稻纹枯病 [dào wén kū bìnɡ] sheath and culm blight of rice 稻叶黑穗病 [dào yè hēi suì bìnɡ] leaf smut of rice 底土 [dǐ tǔ] subsoil 地埂 [dì ɡěnɡ] borders 地震 [dì zhèn] earthquake 点播 [diǎn bō] dibbling 冬肥 [dōnɡ féi] winter top-dressing 豆饼 [dòu bǐnɡ] beancake 堆肥 [duī féi] compost 蹲苗 [dūn miáo] wilting; check the overgrowth of seedlings 发芽 [fā yá] germination 翻地 [fān dì] turn the soil 返青 [fǎn qīnɡ] reviving; resume green growth 方形簇种法 [fānɡ xínɡ cù zhònɡ fǎ] square cluster planting method 防止侵蚀 [fánɡ zhǐ qīn shí] erosion control 防治病虫害 [fánɡ zhì bìnɡ chónɡ hài] control of plant diseases and pests 肥料 [féi liào] fertilizer; manure 肥田粉 [féi tián fěn] powder fertilizer 分层施肥 [fēn cénɡ shī féi] layer by layer manuring 分期追肥 [fēn qī zhuī féi] top-dressing at different stages 分株 [fēn zhū] division of suckers 粪尿 [fèn niào] night-soil 风选 [fēnɡ xuǎn] selection by winnowing 腐植酸肥料 [fǔ zhí suān féi liào] humic acid fertilizer 腐植土 [fǔ zhí tǔ] humus 复种 [fù zhònɡ] multiple cropping 改良土壤 [ɡǎi liánɡ tǔ rǎnɡ] soil improvement 甘薯黑斑病 [ɡān shǔ hēi bān bìnɡ] black rot of sweet potato 高产田 [ɡāo chǎn tián] high-yield plots 高产种子 [ɡāo chǎn zhǒnɡ zi] high-yielding seed 割草 [ɡē cǎo] mowing 根癌 [ɡēn ái] crown gall 根腐 [ɡēn fǔ] root rot 根瘤菌 [ɡēn liú jūn] root nodule bacteria 耕 [ɡēnɡ] harrowing 耕地 [ɡēnɡ dì] cultivated land; farmland 耕种 [ɡēnɡ zhònɡ] ploughing; tilling 沟灌 [ɡōu ɡuàn] furrow irrigation 谷蛾 [ɡǔ é] grain moth 谷子白发病 [ɡǔ zi bái fà bìnɡ] downy mildew of millet 灌溉 [ɡuàn ɡài] irrigation 灌浆 [ɡuàn jiānɡ] milking 过磷酸钙 [ɡuò lín suān ɡài] calcium superphosphate 过磷酸盐 [ɡuò lín suān yán] superphosphate 过磷酸铵 [ɡuò lín suān ǎn] ammonium superphosphate 海草肥 [hǎi cǎo féi] seaweed fertilizer 海鸟粪 [hǎi niǎo fèn] guano 旱地 [hàn dì] arid/non-irrigated land 旱灾 [hàn zāi] drought 合理轮作 [hé lǐ lún zuò] proper rotation of crops 合理施肥 [hé lǐ shī féi] rational manuring 黑土 [hēi tǔ] black soil/earth 红土 [hónɡ tǔ] red soil 后熟期 [hòu shú qī] the latter stage of ripening 后熟作用 [hòu shú zuò yònɡ] after ripening 花粉单倍体育种方法 [huā fěn dān bèi tǐ yù zhǒnɡ fānɡ fǎ] haploid breeding by pollen culture 花叶病 [huā yè bìnɡ] mosaic 化学肥料 [huà xué féi liào] chemical fertilizer 荒地 [huānɡ dì] wasteland 黄土 [huánɡ tǔ] loess 蝗虫 [huánɡ chónɡ] locust 蝗灾 [huánɡ zāi] plague of locusts 灰肥 [huī féi] ash fertilizer 混合选种 [hùn hé xuǎn hǒnɡ] mass selection 积肥 [jī féi] manure accumulation; store compost 及时播种 [jí shí bō zhǒnɡ] sow in good time 钾肥 [jiǎ féi] potash fertilizer 间苗保苗 [jiàn miáo bǎo miáo] thin out and protect young plants 间作 [jiàn zuò] inter-cropping; planting between rows 碱性土 [jiǎn xìnɡ tǔ] alkaline soil 拣选 [jiǎn xuǎn] hand selection; hand-picked 交叉播种 [jiāo chā bō zhǒnɡ] cross planting; sow crisscross 浇水 [jiāo shuǐ] watering 浸种 [jìn zhǒnɡ] seed soaking/dressing 均匀撒播 [jūn yún sā bō] uniform broadcasting 开垦 [kāi kěn] reclaim; open up virgin land 抗病品种 [kànɡ bìnɡ pǐn zhǒnɡ] disease-resistant variety 抗生菌肥料 [kànɡ shēnɡ jūn féi liào] antibiotic fertilizer 抗霜品种 [kànɡ shuānɡ pǐn zhǒnɡ] frost-resistant variety 可耕地 [kě ɡēnɡ dì] arable land 宽播 [kuān bō] wide-surface drilling 烙病 [lào bìnɡ] brand 连作 [lián zuò] continuous cropping 良种 [liánɡ zhǒnɡ] improved variety of seed 两季连作 [liǎnɡ jì lián zuò] quick succession planting 磷肥 [lín féi] phosphate fertilizer 磷酸钙 [lín suān ɡài] calcium phosphate 磷酸盐 [lín suān yán] phosphate 磷酸铵 [lín suān ǎn] ammonium phosphate 硫酸钾 [liú suān jiǎ] potassium sulphate 硫酸铵 [liú suān ǎn] ammonium sulphate 垄沟 [lǒnɡ ɡōu] furrow 氯化钾 [lǜ huà jiǎ] potassium chloride 氯化铵 [lǜ huà ǎn] ammonium chloride 绿肥 [lǜ féi] green manure 绿肥轮作制 [lǜ féi lún zuò zhì] system of rotating green manure crops 轮作 [lún zuò] rotation of crops 麦杆蝇 [mài ɡǎn yínɡ] Hessian fly 麦红蜘蛛 [mài hónɡ zhī zhū] wheat red mite 满播 [mǎn bō] full seeding 漫灌 [màn ɡuàn] flood irrigation 煤污病 [méi wū bìnɡ] sooty mould 棉蚜虫 [mián yá chónɡ] cotton aphis (pl. aphides) 泥肥 [ní féi] silt; lake and river mud 尿素 [niào sù] urea 牛粪 [niú fèn] cattle dung 农药 [nónɡ yào] agricultural/farm chemical 农业土壤学 [nónɡ yè tǔ rǎnɡ xué] agrology 农用抗生素 [nónɡ yònɡ kànɡ shēnɡ sù] farm antibiotics 沤肥 [òu féi] make compost 排水沟 [pái shuǐ ɡōu] drain 培育优良品种 [péi yù yōu liánɡ pǐn zhǒnɡ] cultivate improved seeds 喷灌 [pēn ɡuàn] sprinkler irrigation 平整土地 [pínɡ zhěnɡ tǔ dì] level the land 畦灌 [qí ɡuàn] border irrigation 气压计 [qì yā jì] weatherglass; barometer 浅耕粗作 [qiǎn ɡēnɡ cū zuò] extensive farming 抢种 [qiǎnɡ zhònɡ] rush planting 侵蚀 [qīn shí] erosion 青苗 [qīnɡ miáo] young crop 晴雨计 [qínɡ yǔ jì] weatherglass; barometer 去顶 [qù dǐnɡ] topping; cut the terminal bud off the main stem 去壳 [qù ké] husking 全苗 [quán miáo] full stand 壤土 [rǎnɡ tǔ] loam 人工降雨 [rén ɡōnɡ jiànɡ yǔ] artificial rainfall 人工接种 [rén ɡōnɡ jiē zhǒnɡ] artificial inoculation 人工授粉 [rén ɡōnɡ shòu fěn] artificial pollination 人工选种 [rén ɡōnɡ xuǎn zhǒnɡ] artificial selection 人畜粪便 [rén chù fèn biàn] human and animal excreta 乳化剂 [rǔ huà jì] emulsifier 撒播 [sā bō] broadcast 杀虫剂 [shā chónɡ jì] insecticide; pesticide 杀虫设备 [shā chónɡ shè bèi] anti-pest equipment 杀菌剂 [shā jūn jì] bactericide 杀真菌剂 [shā zhēn jūn jì] fungicide 沙丘 [shā qiū] dune 沙田 [shā tián] sandy land 筛选 [shāi xuǎn] selection by sifting 山田 [shān tián] hillside land 深耕细作 [shēn ɡēnɡ xì zuò] intensive farming 生荒地 [shēnɡ huānɡ dì] virgin land 生物防除 [shēnɡ wù fánɡ chú] biological control 施底肥 [shī dǐ féi] application of base manure to the subsoil 施肥 [shī féi] manuring; apply fertilizer 施肥过重 [shī féi ɡuò zhònɡ] over-manured 湿地 [shī dì] marsh 湿度表 [shī dù biǎo] hygrometer; hygrograph 湿度计 [shī dù jì] hygrometer; hygrograph 石灰氮 [shí huī dàn] calcium cyanamide 示范田 [shì fàn tián] demonstration field 收 [shōu] gather in 收割 [shōu ɡē] harvesting; reaping 授粉 [shòu fěn] pollination 霜冻 [shuānɡ dònɡ] frost 霜霉病 [shuānɡ méi bìnɡ] downy mildew 双季 [shuānɡ jì] double cropping 双季间作 [shuānɡ jì jiàn zuò] inter-planting 水浇地 [shuǐ jiāo dì] irrigated field 水涝地 [shuǐ lào dì] waterlogged land 水田 [shuǐ tián] paddy fields 水土保持 [shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí] water and soil conservation 水土流失 [shuǐ tǔ liú shī] water loss and soil erosion 水灾 [shuǐ zāi] flood 松土 [sōnɡ tǔ] loosen the soil 酸性 [suān xìnɡ] acidity 台风 [tái fēnɡ] typhoon 碳酸氢铵 [tàn suān qīnɡ ǎn] ammonium bicarbonate 炭疽病 [tàn jū bìnɡ] anthracnose 套种 [tào zhònɡ] interplanting of another crop 梯田 [tī tián] terraced fields 蹄角粉 [tí jiǎo fěn] hoof-and-horn meal 田间管理 [tián jiān ɡuǎn lǐ] field management 田垄 [tián lǒnɡ] ridge 条播 [tiáo bō] drilling; sow in rows 土壤保持 [tǔ rǎnɡ bǎo chí] soil conservation 土壤成分 [tǔ rǎnɡ chénɡ fèn] composition of soil 土壤结构 [tǔ rǎnɡ jié ɡòu] soil structure 土壤灭菌消毒 [tǔ rǎnɡ miè jūn xiāo dú] soil disinfection 土壤生产力 [tǔ rǎnɡ shēnɡ chǎn lì] soil fertility 土壤湿度 [tǔ rǎnɡ shī dù] soil moisture 脱粒 [tuō lì] threshing; thresh 晚熟品种 [wǎn shú pǐn zhǒnɡ] late ripening variety 微生物农药 [wēi shēnɡ wù nónɡ yào] microbial insecticide 未耕地 [wèi ɡēnɡ dì] uncultivated land 温汤浸种 [wēn tānɡ jìn zhǒnɡ] hot water treatment 沃地 [wò dì] fertile land 无机肥料 [wú jī féi liào] inorganic fertilizer 无芒麦穗 [wú mánɡ mài suì] awnless wheat 无霜期 [wú shuānɡ qī] frost-free period 细菌肥料 [xì jūn féi liào] bacterial fertilizer 细菌杀虫剂 [xì jūn shā chónɡ jì] germ/bacteriological insecticide 下层土 [xià cénɡ tǔ] subsoil 硝酸钙 [xiāo suān ɡài] calcium nitrate 硝酸钾 [xiāo suān jiǎ] potassium nitrate 硝酸钠 [xiāo suān nà] sodium nitrate 硝酸铵 [xiāo suān ǎn] ammonium nitrate 小麦赤霉病 [xiǎo mài chì méi bìnɡ] wheat scab 小麦杆锈病 [xiǎo mài ɡǎn xiù bìnɡ] stem rust of wheat 小麦黑穗病 [xiǎo mài hēi suì bìnɡ] wheat smut 小麦吸浆病 [xiǎo mài xī jiānɡ bìnɡ] wheat midge 小麦线虫病 [xiǎo mài xiàn chónɡ bìnɡ] wheat nematode 小麦锈病 [xiǎo mài xiù bìnɡ] wheat rust 行距 [hánɡ jù] row spacing 休耕地 [xiū ɡēnɡ dì] fallow land 修田埂 [xiū tián ɡěnɡ] erect borders 锈病 [xiù bìnɡ] rust 畜粪 [chù fèn] animal droppings 选种 [xuǎn hǒnɡ] seed selection 穴播 [xué bō] bunch planting; hill sowing 亚磷酸 [yà lín suān] phosphorous acid 盐化 [yán huà] salinification 盐水选种 [yán shuǐ xuǎn zhǒnɡ] selection of seed by salt solution 盐土 [yán tǔ] saline soil 盐渍度 [yán zì dù] salinity 盐渍土 [yán zì tǔ] saline soil 扬场 [yánɡ chǎnɡ] winnowing 叶色 [yè sè] color of leaves 用水浸田 [yònɡ shuǐ jìn tián] flood the fields 油菜抽苔期 [yóu cài chōu tái qī] peduncle-growing period for rapeseed 有机肥料 [yǒu jī féi liào] organic fertilizer 有效蕾期 [yǒu xiào lěi qī] development period of useful bud 雨量表 [yǔ liànɡ biǎo] hyetograph; rain gauge 雨量计 [yǔ liànɡ jì] hyetograph; rain gauge 玉米大斑病 [yù mǐ dà bān bìnɡ] leaf blight of corn 玉米黑粉病 [yù mǐ hēi fěn bìnɡ] smut of corn 玉米螟虫 [yù mǐ mínɡ chónɡ] maize borer 玉米钻心虫 [yù mǐ zuān xīn chónɡ] corn stalk borer 孕穗 [yùn suì] ear bearing; booting 杂交 [zá jiāo] cross-breeding; hybridization 杂交种 [zá jiāo zhǒnɡ] hybrid; variety 早熟品种 [zǎo shú pǐn zhǒnɡ] early ripening variety 造林保护农田 [zào lín bǎo hù nónɡ tián] provide shelterbelts for farmland 摘 [zhāi] pick 窄行播种法 [zhǎi hánɡ bō zhǒnɡ fǎ] narrow-row sowing method 沼泽 [zhǎo zé] marsh 整枝 [zhěnɡ zhī] pruning 直接播种 [zhí jiē bō zhǒnɡ] direct seeding 直行播种 [zhí hánɡ bō zhǒnɡ] sow in straight lines 植物跳虱 [zhí wù tiào shī] plant louse 中性土 [zhōnɡ xìnɡ tǔ] neutral soil 种子清选机 [zhǒnɡ zi qīnɡ xuǎn jī] seed purifier/separator 种子消毒 [zhǒnɡ zi xiāo dú] seed disinfection; sterilize the seed 种肥 [zhònɡ féi] manuring at sowing 重过磷酸钙 [zhònɡ ɡuò lín suān ɡài] double calcium superphosphate 株距 [zhū jù] individual spacing 猪粪 [zhū fèn] pig dung 转式浇灌 [zhuàn shì jiāo ɡuàn] rotary sprinkler system 追肥 [zhuī féi] additional manuring; top-dressing 自然通风 [zì rán tōnɡ fēnɡ] natural draft 自然灾害 [zì rán zāi hài] natural calamities 作畦 [zuò qí] bedding 作物育种 [zuò wù yù zhǒnɡ] crop breeding |