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单词 作威作福

作威作福zuò wēi zuò fú

abuse one’s powertyrannically; act like a tyrant; lord it over; play the tyrant; throw one’s weight about; ride roughshodover others; tyrannize over the people/(我) 在自己的屋子里面,却~,………(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 372)I was the absolute ruler in my own house.
❍ 然而并不,他以为要有的,而且应该听凭他~。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》52)But no,she felt he was needed,andwe should let him lord it over us.
❍ 过去那种穷人含冤受屈,地主老财骑在咱穷人头上随意~的旧世道,再也不能让它回来了! (石文驹《战地红缨》125) We all knowfrom bitter experience how the landlords rode roughshod over us. We’ll never let those times return!


ride roughshod over others;tyrannically abuse one’s power;lord it over…;play the tyrant
骑在人民头上~ride roughshod over the people;lord it over the people

作威作福zuò wēi zuò fú

原指统治者专行赏罚,独揽威权;现多指妄自尊大,滥用权势。act like a tyrant, throw one’s weight about, ride roughshod over the people, abuse one’s power tyrannically





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