体现embody;incarnate;reflect;give expression to;attest to 这个提案~了发展中国家的利益和要求。This proposal reflects the interests and demands of the developing countries./《国际歌》~了巴黎公社的革命精神。The Internationale embodies the revolutionary spirit of the Paris Commune./这~了两国关系的全面改善。This attests to the overall improvement of relations between the two countries./服务人民,~了人民解放军的宗旨。To serve the people represents the objective of the PLA./国防实力是综合国力的重要~。Defense capabilities are an important indicator of overall national strength./具体的~concrete embodiment (or manifestation)/联合国宪章的宗旨和原则作为人类美好理想的~the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as an embodiment of the lofty ideals of mankind /~时代性conform to the times |