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(构词成分): ~ 己 [- ji] ❶ (亲近的) intimate; confidential
❷ (家庭成员个人积蓄) private savings
另见 see also tì。


❶ (身体) body; part of the body: 肢 ~ limbs; 上 ~ the upper part of the body; 人 ~ 构造 the structure of the human body
❷ (物体) substance; object; state of a substance: 液 ~ liquid; 整 ~ whole; entirety
❸ (文字的书写形式; 作品的体裁) style; structure; form: 草 ~ cursive hand; 文 ~ style of writing; literary style; 旧 ~ 诗 old-style poems; classical poetry
❹ {语} (一种语法范畴) aspect (of a verb): 进行 ~ progressive aspect; 完成 ~ perfective aspect
❺ (体制) system: 政 ~ system of government; 国 ~ state system Ⅱ (亲身; 设身处地) personally do or experience sth.; place oneself mentally in another's position: ~ 行 do sth. personally
另见 see also tī。
◆体表寄生虫 epizoon (pl. opizoa); ectozoon (pl. ectozoa); 体表面积 body surface area; 体部测量 body measurement; 体裁 types or forms of literature; 体操 gymnastics; 体操运动 gymnastic; 体侧 side; 体察 experience and observe; 体词 nominals; 体大思精 broad in conception and meticulous in details; (of a book) extensive in scope and penetrating in thought; 体段丰满 [俚] zaftig; 体惰 bodily indolence; 体罚 corporal punishment; physical punishment; 体反射全息图 volume reflection hologram; 体改委 commission for structural reforms; 体格 physique; build; 体格魁梧 gigantic in stature; of great stature; huge in form; 体工队 sports team; 体会 know from experience; learn from experience; realize; experience; understanding; 体积 volume; bulk; bulking; bigness; bodiness; size; 体检 physical examination; test; 体节 primitive segment; body segment; metamere; mere; somite; mesoblastic segment; mesodermol segment; merosome; metameride; zonite; arthromera, arthromere; 体厥 cold feeling of the whole body; general feeling of cold; 体例 stylistic rules and layout; style; 体力 physical strength; physical power; physical capacity; spirit; beef (pl. beefs; beeves; beef); 体力充沛 full of physical [bodily] strength; 体力劳动与脑力劳动的对立 the antithesis between manual and mental labour; 体谅 show understanding and sympathy for; make allowances for;
体疗 a physical exercise therapy; 体裂畸形 schistosomia; 体貌 (of a person) posture and facial features; 体面 dignity; propriety; face; honourable; creditable; respectable; handsome; good-looking; 体面扫地 lose face completely [altogether]; a complete loss of face; 体内(的) internal; in vivo; 体能 force and skill; physical agility; stamina; 体念 give sympathetic consideration to; 体魄 physique; build; 体气 [方] moral character; [方] physique; constitution; [书] (literary or artistic) style; 体腔 coelom; celom; coelome; body-cavity; coelia; splanchnocoel; syncoelom; syncelom; 体区 tagma (pl. tagmata); 体弱多病 valetudinarianism; 体弱忌用 drug contraindicated in debilitated patient; 体弱气虚 general deficiency of qi; 体虱 body louse; pediculus humanus corporis; 体态 posture; carriage; 体态轻盈 a soft, well- rounded figure; a graceful carriage; a supple body; 体坛 sports circle; the sporting world; 体坛盛会 a grand sports meet; a grand gymnastic show; 体贴 show consideration for; give every care to; 体贴入微 take to one's bosom; be extremely considerate towards sb.; be extremely thoughtful; be very considerate and thoughtful; care for with great solicitude; give sb. great care and attention; look after with meticulous [great] care; show every possible consideration; show consideration in every way; treat sb. with great consideration; 体统 decorum; propriety; decency; 体透射全息图 volume transmission hologram; 体外 in vitro; external; extracorporal体味 body odour; appreciate; savour; 体位 position; 体温 (body) temperature;
体无完肤 injured all over the body (often used figuratively for damages inflicted by verbal attacks); be beaten black and blue; be a mass of bruises; be badly mauled all over; be scathingly criticized; be thoroughly [scathingly] refuted [exposed]; have cuts and bruises all over the body; No part of one's body was unhurt.; tear ... to pieces [tatters]; There is not a patch of one's skin left whole.; 体悉其艰 excuse and see through his difficulty; 体惜 understand and sympathize with; 体系 system; setup; hierarchy (system); 体现 embody; incarnate; reflect; give expression to; 体效应 bulk effect;
体型 habitus; somatotype; physique; shape; body type; body conformation; type of build or figure;
体形 bodily form; build; figure; body configuration; 体恤 understand and sympathize with; show solicitude for; favour; 体恤衫 T-shirt; 体循环 general circulation; systemic circulation; 体验 learn through practice; learn through one's personal experience; experience; 体液 humor; body fluid; sap; juice; 体育 physical culture; physical training; sports; sports activities; 体育场 stadium; gym; 体育馆 gymnasium; gym; 体育运动 sports; physical culture; physical education; 体育运动委员会 commission for physical culture and sports; 体育与卫生相结合 combination of sports and health work; 体针 body acupuncture; 体征 sign; 体制 system of organization; setup; structure; system; 体制改革 structural [institu ̄ tional] reform; 体制结构 institutional structure; 体制下放 transfer administrative functions to lower levels; 体制转轨 system transforming; 体质 physique; constitution; body constitution; somatoplasm; crasis; schesis; somatemperament; habit; trophoplasm; trophoplast; status; 体重 (body) weight


form,literary structure;embodied






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