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单词 低三下四

低三下四dī sān xià sì

be at sb’s beck and call;bow and scrape; cringe; degrading; fawn; humble oneself; lowly; mean,low and menial; obsequious;submissive
❍ 四哥,你是好汉,我愿意侍候你,你也知道,我不是那种~的人! (《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》56) You’re a hero; I’m glad to wait on you,and you know I’m not at anyone’s beck and call!/普山普岭,还不都是人家财主的?要夹个篱笆,舞根竹尾巴,都要~去求情。(周立波《山乡巨变》上—8) Hill after hill of bamboo,all belonged to the landlords. Even to get a few pieces for a fence we had to go bowing and scraping to them.
❍ 难道要~地哀求他们发善心吗?(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》48) I wasn’t going to go down on my knees and implore them to be merciful.
❍ 老人家放下腰篮子,走到床跟前,小声安慰了我几句,就小心小意,走到女婿的面前,~,向他告罪:……(周立波《山乡巨变》103) My mother put down the basket and came to bedside to say a few words of consolation. Then she timidly turned to her son-in-law and submissively acknow ledged her fault: …/想当初,我在城里头作艺,不肯~地侍候有势力的人,教人家打了一顿,不能再在城里登台。(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》25) In the old days,when I worked in the city as an entertainer,I wouldn’t toady to the officials,so I got beaten up; I couldn’t go on the stage there any more.


~地求饶beg abjectly for mercy/~的家伙spineless person

低三下四dī sān xià sì

形容地位低下,也比喻卑躬屈膝讨好他人的丑态。crawl to, lowly, bow and scrape, servile and submissive, fawn, humble oneself, low and menial, be the lowest of the low





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