伪(僞)[偽]wěi ❶ (虚假) false; fake; bogus; forged; pseudo: 虚 ~ false; hypocritical; sham; ~ 形 pseudomorph; 去 ~ 存真 eliminate the false and retain the true ❷ (不合法的; 窃权而不受拥护的) illegal; puppet: ~ 政府 a puppet government ◆伪币 counterfeit money; counterfeit bank note; forged bank note; spurious coin; queer money; the queer; money issued by a puppet government; 伪钞 counterfeit bank note; 伪地址 dummy address; 伪函数 pseudo- function; 伪虎鲸 false killer whale; pseudorca crassidens; 伪军 puppet army; puppet troops; puppet soldier; 伪君子 hypocrite; 伪科学 pseudoscience; 伪劣品 fake and poor products; 伪轮 {渔} false ring; 伪码 pseudo-code; false code; 伪逆 pseudoin ̄verse; 伪色 false colour; 伪善 hypocritical; 伪设备 pseudo-device; 伪势 pseudopotential; 伪书 ancient books found to have been incorrectly dated, forged, or attributed to a wrong author; ancient books of dubious authenticity; 伪通道 pseudo-channel; 伪托 forge ancient literary or art works, or pass off modern works as ancient ones; 伪消息 {讯} dummy message; 伪信号 false signal; spurious signal; 伪噪声 pseudo noise; 伪造 forge; falsify; fabricate; counterfeit; 伪政权 puppet regime; 伪证 {律} perjury; false witness; false evidence; 伪指令 pseudo instruction; pseudo order; expanded order; dummy order; instruction constant; pseudo-op; 伪注释 pseudo-comment; 伪装 pretend; feign; disguise; guise; mask; {军} camouflage; 伪装置 pseudo-device; 伪作 counterfeit 伪❶false;fake;bogus;phoney;pseudo;counterfeit; forged ❷puppet; collaborationist;quisling 去~存真eliminate the false and retain the true/~币counterfeit money;counterfeit (or forged)bank note;spurious coin;money issued by a puppet government/~钞counterfeit (or forged)bank note/~军puppet army(or soldier)/~君子hypocrite/~科学pseudo-science/~宪法bogus constitution/~证件false papers/~国家pseudo-state/~作(冒名作品)pseudograph/~政府illegitimate government;bogus government/~政权puppet(or bogus)regime/~组织bogus organization |