释义 |
伤天害理shāng tiān hài lǐoffend against Heaven(/God) and reason—atrocious; lawless; inhuman;outrageous; unconscionable; wicked ❍ 我可没做过缺德的事,~的事,为什么就不叫我活着呢? (老舍《茶馆》74) But I never did anything bad or criminal. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to live?/以后北霸天死了,他儿子金老歪当了家,守着他老子给他霸来的这份家业,大门上挂了“善德堂”的金字大匾, 可照样尽干着~的缺德事。(石文驹《战地红缨》40) After the Despot died,his son Twist took over. He put up the plaque reading“Hall of Benevolence and Virtue”on the Jin mansion,but did evil just like his father. ❍ 一个男子汉,干什么吃不了饭,偏干~的事?呸! 呸! (老舍《茶馆》36) Couldn’t you make a decent living any other way? Do you have to follow your filthy trade? pah!/~的畜牲! 你们从我口里半个字也掏不出!(杜鹏程《保卫延安》)61) Lawless beasts! You’ll never get even half a word out of me!/后来他急着想回国,就用这个~的办法,临时人工地把斑疹伤寒传染给她。(曹禺《明朗的天》111) Later,because he was in a hurry to go back to America,he took the most inhuman measures. He quickly infected her with typhus by some artificial means. ❍ 不能……不能再干九……九年前那种~的事! (宗福先《于无声处》44) You mustn’t do that again!That…that wicked thing…you did nine years ago! 伤天害理in defiance of heaven and human reason; outrageous ~的勾当 inhuman act;act of gross injustice 伤天害理shānɡ tiān hài lǐ形容做事残忍凶狠,灭绝人性。do things that are against reason and nature, outaqeous, be cruel and heartless |