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单词 传神阿堵

传神阿堵chuán shén ē dǔ

what conveys the spirit and portrays the likeness lies in the pictures and writings
❍ 顾长康(恺之)画人,或数年不点目精。人问其故,顾曰:“四体妍蚩,本无关于妙处,传神写照,正在阿堵中。” (刘义庆《世说新语·巧艺》) Gu Aizhi would paint a portrait and sometimes not dot the pupils of the eyes for several years. When someone asked his reason,Gu replied,“The beauty or ugliness of the four limbs basically bears no relation to the most subtle part of a painting. What conveys the spirit and portrays the likeness lies precisely in these dots.”

传神阿堵chuán shén ē dǔ

阿堵:这个。传神之处,就在这里。比喻文艺作品构思精巧,描写逼真。work out the plot ingeniously and lifelike





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