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单词 以身作则

以身作则yǐ shēn zuò zé

play an exemplary role;lead by example; make oneself an example (for others); set a fine example by one’s actions (/deeds/conduct)
❍ 周总理在工地上处处~,同时要求参加劳动的所有负责同志都要努力做到劳动、思想、健康“三丰收”。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅲ—153) He led by example and demanded that all the leading comrades taking part should work hard to do a good job of manual labour,make ideological progress and,at the same time,improve their constitution.
❍ 谁这样耐心,这样认真,这样严肃地叮咛别人,又这样~地爱惜书籍? (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》479) Who was the responsible,conscientious reader who had written that injunction,setting such a fine example himself?/艰苦奋斗,~,工作之外,还要生产,奖励廉洁,禁绝贪污,这是中国解放区的特色之一。(《毛泽东选集》949) It is characteristic of China’s Liberated Areas that,setting an example of plain living and hard work,the cadres take part in production in addition to their regular duties; honesty is held in high esteem while graft is strictly prohibited.
❍ 周总理坚持党的原则,处处~,对各部门负责同志要求很严。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—24) Upholding the Party principle and setting an example by his own deeds,Premier Zhou put strict demands on responsible members of various departments.
❍ 难得你老兄~,给他们一个好榜样看,这于世道人心,一定大有裨益的。(鲁迅《华盖集》25) The fine example you are setting by your actions,brother,is bound to have a most salutary effect upon publicmorality.


making oneself an example


conduct oneself in an exemplary way;set an example(with one’s own conduct);set a personal example;play an exemplary role and perform duties honestly; Primum vivere,deinde philosophari.[拉](First live,then philosophize.)
~遵守法律set an example in law-abiding

以身作则yǐ shēn zuò zé

则:表率,榜样。形容用自己的实际行动为别人做榜样。set an example, make the running, help others with one’s examplary life, make oneself an example





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