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单词 以讹传讹

以讹传讹yǐ é chuán é

circulate erroneous reports; incorrectly relay an erroneous message (so that it becomes increasingly distorted); inherit and pass on error (/wrong reports); pass on an erroneous version; spread an error (/a falsehood/the rumour)
❍ 让我亲眼看见的人对他们说说,也免得~。(郭沫若《屈原》64) Let me,as an eyewitness,tell them so that they will not be wrongly informed.
❍ 世人~,都未免认真了。(《红楼梦》198) The some vulgar character made up that story and ignorant people believed it.
❍ 古往今来,~,好事者竟故意的弄出这古迹来以愚人。(《红楼梦》634)Plenty of legends have come down from ancient times,and well-meaning busy bodies have even faked relics to fool men.
❍ 市民~,自相惊扰,因而家家幼童,左肩各悬红布一方,上书歌诀四句,借避危险。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ-48) The people of Nanjing are frightening each other by spreading this rumour,and all the children are wearing a square of red cloth on their left shoulder,bearing a four-line spell to ward off danger.


incorrectly relay an erroneous message(so that it becomes increasingly distorted);spread an error or falsehood

以讹传讹yǐ é chuán é

讹:谬误。把错误的东西又错误地传开,越传越错误。incorrectly relay an erroneous message, spread wrong versions of things, be wrongly informed





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