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单词 以毒攻毒

以毒攻毒yǐ dú gōng dú

administer (/use)poison as an antidote for (/to) poison; combat (/fight)poison with poison; counteract one toxin with another; cure a dog bite with the hair of the dog that bites you; like cures like; set a thief (/rogue) to catch a thief (/rogue)
❍ 这个正好,就叫做巧姐儿好。这个叫做‘~,以火攻火’的法子。(《红楼梦》514) Why,that’s good! Call her Qiaojie then. This is what is known as’fighting poison with poison and fire with fire. ’/我们也仿照八股文章的笔法来一个“八股”,~,就叫做八大罪状吧。(《毛泽东选集》790) Using poison as an antidote to poison,we shall imitate the form of the stereotyped eight-section essay and set forth the following “eight legs”,which may be called the eight major indictments.


treating the malignant disease with poisonous agents


combat poison with poison;use poison as antidote for poison;set a thief to catch thief

以毒攻毒yǐ dú ɡōnɡ dú

攻:治。用毒药治病毒。比喻用对方使用的厉害手段来制服对方,用恶人来制服恶人。combat poison with poison, like cures like, fight fire with fire

以毒攻毒yǐ dú gōng dú

combatingpoison with poison; attacking toxin withtoxin; using poison as an antidote forpoison





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