释义 |
以[㠯]yǐⅠ (用; 拿) use; take: ~ 我之长, 攻敌之短 utilize our strong points to attack the enemy's weak points; ~ 共同对敌的大局为重 set the general interest of fighting against the common enemy above everything else Ⅱ ❶ (用; 拿) with; by: ~ 理服人 convince people by reasoning; 赠 ~ 鲜花 present sb. with a bouquet ❷ (依; 按照) according to: ~ 成绩录取新生 enroll students according to their merits; ~ 时启闭 open and close according to schedule; ~ 姓氏笔画为序 be listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames ❸ (因) because of: 不 ~ 人废言 not reject a saying because the speaker is what or who he is; 不 ~ 失败自馁, 不 ~ 成功自满 not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success;~ 风景优美著称 be celebrated for its scenic beauty; 何 ~ 知之? How do you know? 苏州 ~ 其美丽的园林而闻名。Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens. 他 ~ 有学问而出名。He is famous for his learning ❹ (表示目的) in order to; so as to: ~ 示区别 so as to distinguish this from other cases; ~ 应急需 in order to answer an urgent need ❺ [书] (于; 在) at (a certain time); on (a fixed date): 余 ~ 3月1日返。I returned on March the first. ❻ (放在单纯的方位词前, 表示时间、方位、数量的界限): 二十年 ~ 前 twenty years ago or earlier; 黄河 ~ 北 ( to the ) north of the Huanghe River; 五千 ~ 内 less than five thousand; 县团 ~上 of county or regiment level and higher Ⅲ [书] (跟 “而 ”用法相同) and; as well as: 淅沥 ~ 潇飒 raindrops pattering and wind rusting; 城高 ~ 厚。The city wall is high and thick. Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 相 Yi Xiang ◆以暴易暴 replace one tyranny by another; Change one tyranny for another.; 以备不虞 be prepared for unforeseen danger; be prepared for any contingency; prepare against the time of need; so as to provide against emergencies; 以备万一 provide against any contingency [accidents; emergencies; eventualities; contingencies]; be ready [prepared] for any contingency; have a spare wheel ready all the time; take measures in advance against the time of need; 以便 so that; in order to; so as to; with the aim of; for the purpose of; 以不变应万变 cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle [policy]; 以词害意 let the words interfere with the sense; allow language to interfere with the thought; let the form of expression interfere with the meaning of the text; sacrifice clarity in the use of wrong words for expression; 以此 for this reason; on this account; 以次 in proper order; in turn; the following; 以点带面 fan out from (a) point to (an) area; Let one unit guide a whole area.; promote work in all areas by drawing upon the experience gained on key points; take a case or two (of excellence) as an example for the rest of the lot to follow; use the experience of selected units to promote work in the entire area; 以毒攻毒 fight [combat] poison with poison; cure a poisoned patient with poison; fight fire with fire; Like cures like.; 以讹传讹 circulate erroneous reports; be wrongly informed; pass on wrong reports; 以耳代目 relay on [upon] hearsay instead of seeing for oneself; be dependent on hearing instead of making a personal investigation or direct observation; 以防万一 make provision [provide] against emergencies; be prepared for any contingency [all contingencies]; prepare against one out of ten thousand; 以工代赈 relieve people in disaster areas by giving them employment instead of outright grant; work relief; 以攻为守 attack as a means of defense; attack in order to defend; take offence for defence; 以古非今 use the past to attack the present; attack the present with the past; disparage the present by extolling the past; 以寡敌众 pit the few against the many; fight [struggle; battle] against heavy odds; fight against odds [longer odds]; 以观后效 see how one behaves in the future; deal with sb. leniently and see how he behaves in the future; see how he behaves; (lighten a punishment and) see how the offender behaves; 以后 after; later on; afterwards; later; hereafter; 以己度人 judge others by oneself; measure another man's foot by one's own last; measure others after oneself; measure other people's corn by one's own bushel; 以假[伪]乱[搀]真 mix the spurious with the genuine; adulterate; create confusion by passing off the spurious as genuine; 以近 {交} up to; 以儆效尤 warn others against following a bad example; punish sb. as a warning to others; make an example of sb.; 以旧换新 old for new service; 以泪洗面 Tears bathed the cheeks.; 以理服人 persuade through reasoning; reason sb. into compliance; 以邻为壑 use the neighbour's field as an outlet for one's overflow; benefit oneself at others' expense; do harm to a neighbour; use one's neighbour's field as a drain — shift one's troubles onto others; 以卵击石 throw an egg against a rock — court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds; court one's own ruin; fight against heavy odds; strike an egg on a rock; 以貌取人 judge people by outward appearance; evaluate a person on the basis of appearance; judge a man by outward appearance; 以免 in order to avoid; so as not to; lest; 以沫相濡 help each other when both are in humble circumstances; help each other in straits with feeble strength; 以前 before; formerly; prior to; previously; 以权谋私 abuse of power for personal gain; misuse of power for private interest; 以上 more than; over; above; the above; the foregoing; the above-mentioned; 以少胜多 use the few to defeat the many; defeat (enemy troops) with a force inferior in number; 以身作则 make oneself an example; live what one teaches; make oneself serve as an example to others; set an example with [by] one's own conduct; 以太 {物} ether; aether; ether effluvium; 以外 beyond; outside; other than; except; 以往 before; formerly; previous; in the past; 以为 think; believe; consider; 以 ... 为 ... take ... as ...; regard ... as ...; 以文会友 form a literary circle; associate by means of literature; make friends by one's writing [through literary works]; meet friends on literature; (Of old it was customary) set intellectual refreshments before one's friends.; 以下 below; under; the following; 以小人之心度君子之腹 measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men; A knave thinks of others in terms of his own desires.; gauge [guess] the heart of a gentle man with one's own mean measure; 以血还血,以牙还牙 A tooth for a tooth, blood must be paid for with blood!; 以牙还牙 answer blows with blows; eye for eye; give as good as one gets; measure for measure; reprisal; return like for like; serve sb. with the same sauce; tit for tat; (a) tooth for (a) tooth; 以一当十 pit one against ten; be a host in himself [herself]; Every man is worth ten.; 以逸待劳 wait at one's ease for the fatigued [for an exhausted enemy or opponent]; be rested and ready to face the attack of the fatigued enemy; hold one's position waiting for enemy attack after long march; lie in wait for; 以远 {交} beyond; 以怨报德 requite love with hate; bite the hand that feeds one; repay good with evil; requite benefits with injuries; return evil for good; requite kindness with ingratitude; 以至 down to; up to; to such an extent as to ...; so ... that ...; 以致 (多用来指不好的结果) so that; with the result that; consequently; as a result that; as a result; 以资 as a means of; 以子之矛, 攻子之盾 (What will happen) if you try to pierce your wonderful shield with your marvellous spear.; attack sb. by exploiting his weakness |