❶represent;stand for;on behalf of
他不再~书记。He no longer deputizes for the Secretary./工人和雇主各派3名~出席会议。The workers and the employers each sent three delegates to the conference./~团由5名以内~组成。The Delegation shall consist of not more than 5 representatives./中华人民共和国政府~ Representative of the Government of the People’s Republic of China; For the Government of the People’s Republic of China (签署条约等落款用)/全国人大~Deputy to the National People’s Congress/党代会~ delegate to the Party Congress/首席~senior representative;chief representative/中英(中葡)联合联络小组中方首席~ Chinese Senior (or Chief)Representative to the SinoBritish(Sino-Portuguese)Joint Liaison Group/朝中方面首席~(板门店谈判)Senior Representative of the Korean and Chinese side/常驻~ permanent representative/副~ deputy representative;alternate representative/常驻副~ deputy permanent representative/~人民的利益represent the interests of the people/~时代的精神embody the spirit of the era /~中国政府 on behalf of the Chinese Government/~全馆人员讲话speak in the name of all the members of our Embassy/~餐厅delegate’s dining hall/~休息室delegate's lounge/~资格qualifications of a representative /~资格审查委员会credentials committee/~证书credentials