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单词 从容不迫

从容不迫cōng róng bù pò

at leisure;by easy atages;calm;calm and easy-going(/unhurried/composed);casually;conridenfly and without haste;imperturable in a leisurely(/an easy)manner;keep one's head;relaxed and unhurried;self-possessed;take it(/things)easy;take things in one's stride;unflurried;unruffled;without hurry(/hustle)
❍ 邓秀梅却像惯经风浪的人们,~,满不在乎。(周立波《山乡巨变》209)Deng Xiumei,however,was calm as a veteran and not a bit concerned.
❍ 周总理~,谈笑自若,深入欢迎群众,同人们握手谈话。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—238)Calm,composed and confi dent,he went about among the crowds that had gathered to welcome him.He shook their hands and talked and laughed with them.
❍ 徐义德的态度和郭彩娣完全两样,他一,面带笑容……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—69)Xu Yide's manner was different altogether from Guo Caidi's:he was calm and unhurried and wore a siniling face.

从容不迫cōnɡ rónɡ bù pò

从容:不慌不忙,镇定。不慌不忙,非常镇定。at leisure, calm, casually, keep one’s head, without hurry, take it easy, calm and unhurried, go easy, take things in one’s stride unruffled, self-possessed





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