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单词 仇人相见,分外眼红

仇人相见,分外眼红仇人相见,分外眼明chóu rén xiāng jiàn,fèn wài yǎn hóng

enemies see red the moment they meet; when enemies come face to face,their eyes blaze with hatred; when one sees his enemy,his old grudge flares up anew; when two foes meet,their eyes flash fire
❍ 这真是~,金老歪挥动着狗牌撸子,杀气腾腾跳到得欣面前,上下打量了半晌,才咬牙切齿地说:“嘿嘿!你这个属‘猴’的,也有今天哪!”(石文驹《战地红缨》220)Lusting for revenge at the sight of this old thorn in his side,he came close,bran dishing his pistol. “You who belong to the Year of Monkey!”he said through his teeth. “Didn’t think this day would ever come,did you? ”/仇人相见,本来格外眼明,况且是相逢狭路。(鲁迅《故事新编·铸剑》86)When enemies meet they know each other at a glance,particularly at close quarters.
❍ 几天之后,他竟在钱府的照壁前遇见了小D。“仇人相见,分外眼明”,阿Q便迎上去,小D也站住了。(鲁迅《呐喊·阿Q正传》96) A few days later he did indeed meet Young D in front of Mr Qian’s house.“When two foes meet,their eyes flash fire.”As Ah Q went up to him,Young D stood still.
❍ 史进见了大怒,“仇人相见,分外眼明”,两个都头见头势不好,转身便走。(《水浒全传》33)When Shi Jin saw them,he was mightily angry. When two enemies meet they see more clearly than ever in their hatred. The two officers,perceiving the outlook was bad for them,turned and ran.

仇人相见,分外眼红chóu rén xiānɡ jiàn,fèn wài yǎn hónɡ

遇到仇敌时,格外生气。When enemies come face to face,their eyes blaze with hate. Enemies see red the moment they meet.





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