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(向前跌倒) fall forward; fall prostrate: 前 ~ 后继 one stepping into the breach as another falls另见 see also pú。
Ⅰ ❶ (仆人) servant: 男 ~ manservant; 女 ~ maidservant ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 斗南 Pu Dounan Ⅱ [书] (男子谦称自己) I另见 see also pū。◆仆从 footman; retainer; henchman; 仆妇 [旧] elderly woman servant; 仆仆 travel-stained; travel-worn and weary; 仆仆风尘 endure the hardships of travel; 仆人 (domestic) servant; 仆役 (domestic) servant