human rights;rights of man
我们反对利用~问题干涉别国内政,在~问题上搞政治化和双重标准。We are opposed to interfering in other countries’internal affairs in the name of human rights,politicizing human rights and imposing double standards./侵犯~violation of human rights/对~的侵害human rights abuses/国际~年International Year of Human Rights (1968)/促进和保护~小组委员会Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights/联合国~事务高级委员会(人权高专)UN High Commissioner for Human Rights/联合国~事务高级委员会办公室Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights/以“~卫士”自居self-styled as a “human rights guard”/~斗士human rights defender (or guardian)/“~高于主权”“human rights above sovereignty”/~的普遍性 universality of human rights/~发展战略strategy for promoting human rights/~理事会 Human Rights Council/~委员会Commission on Human Rights/~卫士human rights guard/~准则human rights criterion