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单词 人多嘴杂

人多嘴杂人多口杂rén duō zuǐ zá

agreement is difficult if there are too many people; many people,many words; the more people,the more opinions(/talk); too many cooks spoil the soup
❍ ~,纷纷不一。(《红楼梦》1154) Thus they argued the matter at length.
❍ 文学堂嘛,~,怕他们走漏消息。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—145) As for the civil school students,they are a complicated bunch who all have loose tongues and are liable to divulge our secrets.
❍ 宁府中人多口杂,那些不得志的奴仆,专能造言诽谤主人,……(《红楼梦》112) Now “the more people,the more talk,” and the disgruntled servants in the Ning Mansion were good for nothing but slandering their masters.
❍ 只怕社一办起来,~,俗话说:“艄公多了打烂船”,一烂场合,不要说社会主义搞不成器,大家的肚子也要受孽了。(周立波《山乡巨变》231) The only trouble is,when the co-operative is formed,there’ll be many people with different opinions,and things may not be run well;as the saying goes,“Too many steersmen will wreck the boat.” If this happens,never mind about not building socialism,we’ll all go hungry first.


many people,many words;the more people,the more talk

人多嘴杂rén duō zuǐ zá

形容人多意见多。agreement is difficult if there are too many people; many people, many words; a babels of voices





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