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单词 人多势众

人多势众rén duō shì zhòng

many hands provide great strength; superior in force and numbers; there’s strength in numbers; outnumber
❍ 冯家大院,虽然~,也不敢动手,只得打发人请来了严老尚。(梁斌《红旗谱》9) The Feng family might be large and powerful,but not one of them dared move. He was reduced to sending for Yan Shang.
❍ 大家齐动手,~,就把玉宝按在地下,…… (《高玉宝》51) All the young bullies set on Yubao at once,and being outnumbered he was soon thrown to the ground.
❍ 话说金荣因~,又兼贾瑞勒令赔了不是,给秦钟磕了头,宝玉方才不吵闹了。(《红楼梦》118) Outnumbered,and heavily pressed by Jia Rui to apologize,Jakey Jin made a kowtow to Qin Zhong,whereupon Baoyu agreed to let the matter drop.


overwhelm with numerical strength;dominate by sheer force of numbers; enjoy numerical superiority and greater strength

人多势众rén duō shì zhònɡ

形容人多势力大。many hands provide great strength, overwhelm with numerical strength, be large and powerful





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