释义 |
人声鼎沸rén shēng dǐng fèia hubbub (/babel)of voices; a tremendous noise of shouting and bawling ❍ 一时全城~。我搂着孩子,整整守了一夜。(陶承《我的一家》17) All night long the city of Changsha rang with shouts,and I was too terrified to sleep. ❍ 杜竹斋默默坐着,恍惚又在~的交易所市场里了: 成千成百紧张流汗的脸儿浮在他眼前,空气恶浊到叫人脑昏目赤。(茅盾《子夜》188)Du Zhuzhai sat in silence,imagining he was back on the floor of the Exchange in the seething,bawling crowd with its tense,sweating faces and its foul,stifling atmosphere. ❍ 又是一阵~的热潮。老许把双手拱在胸前,又把抱拳的手,高高举起,频频摇动着。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》301) There was again the hubbub of voices as Xu Yunfeng raised his clasped hands and shook them to greet back. ❍ 耳边老是~,眼前老是旗子翻动。(陶承《我的一家》8) I still seemed to hear the shouting in my ears and the fluttering flags kept reappearing before my eyes. ❍ 于是大家放开喉咙谈一阵书,真是~。(《鲁迅选集》上—274) Then all ofus would read at the top of our voices,with a roar like a seething cauldron. 人声鼎沸rén shēnɡ dǐnɡ fèi形容人声喧嚣嘈杂,就像鼎里的水沸腾起来一样。a hubbub of voices, a babble of voices |