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❶ (能制造并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物) human being; man; person; people: 城里 ~ townman; 非洲 ~ African; 好 ~ good person; 黄种 ~ the yellow race; yellow; 辽宁 ~ a native of Liaoning; Liaoningese; 男 ~ man; 女 ~ woman; ~ 对自然界的认识 man's knowledge of nature; 团结得像一个 ~ be united as one; 外国 ~ foreigner; foreign national; 乡下 ~ countryman; 你一个 ~ 行吗? Can you manage on your own? 他 ~ 在那儿, 心可想着别的事。 He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere. 她是个吸引男人的 ~。 She is an attractive person. 我们一共 60 ~。 We are sixty in number. 这个座位有 ~ 吗? Is this seat occupied [taken]? 昨天有3个 ~ 来找你。 Three people came to see you yesterday.
❷ (每人;一般人) everybody; each; all: ~ 所共知 be known to all [everybody]
❸ (成年人) adult; grown-up: 长大成 ~ become a grown-up
❹ (某种人) a person engaged in a particular activity: 工 ~ worker; 军 ~ soldier; 主 ~ host; 监护 ~ guardian; 领导 ~ leader
❺ (别人) other people; people: 待 ~ 诚恳 treat people sincerely; be sincere with people; 助 ~ 为乐 take pleasure in helping people; 别小看 ~ ! Don't look down on people!
❻ (人的品质、性格或名誉) personality; character: 为 ~ 公正 upright in character; 他 ~ 很好。 He's a very nice man.
❼ (人的身体或意识) state of one's health; how one feels: 送到医院, ~ 已经昏迷过去了。 When the patient was taken to hospital, he had already lost consciousness. 这几天我 ~ 不大舒服。 I haven't been feeling well for several days.
❽ (人手; 人才) manpower; hand: 我们这里正缺 ~。 We are shorthanded at the moment.
❾ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 杰 Ren Jie
◆人本主义 {哲} humanism; 人不为己, 天诛地灭 Heaven destroys those who don't look out for themselves (motto of an egoist).; Everyone for himself and let the devil take the hindermost.; Unless a man looks out for himself, Heaven and Earth will destroy him.; When men stop looking out for themselves that will be the end of the world.; 人不可貌相 Men cannot be judged by their looks.; Don't judge (of) a man by his looks.; You cannot judge a tree by its bark.; 人才 a person of ability; a talented person [people; personnel]; talent; qualified personnel; people with special skills; competent people; human talents; 人才辈出 Men of talent come out in succession.; Able men are coming forward in multitudes.; (of a district) give birth to talented people generation to generation; Large numbers of outstanding people come forward.; people of talent coming forth in large numbers; 人才储备 personal storage; 人才断层 talented people faulty; 人才断层现象 the phenomenon of lacking talented people; 人才管理体系 the management system of talented people; 人才合理流动 rational flow of trained personnel; 人才济济 a galaxy of talents; large assembly of men of talent; 人才交流 professional resources exchange; exchange of trained talents [personnel]; 人才交流中心 personnel exchange center; 人才开发 talent exploitation; personal development; manpower development; 人才流失the brain drain; 人才市场 careers fair; 人才外流 the brain drain; 人才信息 talent information; 人才学 talentics; 人才引进 talent introduction; 人财两空 lose both men [the woman] and money [wealth]; 人财两旺 prosperous both in family and purse; 人称 {语} person; 人次 person-time; man-time; 人大 [简] the National People's Congress (NPC); 人道 humanity; human sympathy; human; humane; 人道主义 humanitarianism; 人地生疏 a stranger in a strange place; be a complete stranger (somewhere); be unfamiliar with the place and the people; (be placed) in an unfamiliar environment; 人丁 population; family number; 人定胜天 Man's will, not heaven, decides.; Man by his efforts can conquer nature.; Man can conquer nature.; Man is the master of his own fate.; Man's determination will conquer nature.; Man's fixed purpose is superior to Heaven.; Man's will conquers heaven.; Man will conquer nature.; Man will surely conquer nature.; 人堆儿 [口] crowd; 人多势众 overwhelm with numerical strength; Many hands provide great strength.; There is safety in numbers.; 人多嘴杂 Agreement is difficult if there are too many people.; The more people, the more diverse voices are.; the more people, the more talk; 人贩子 trader in human beings; human trader; 人犯 criminal; 人防 [简] people's air defence; civil air defence; 人非草木 A man is not a stalk of grass or a tree.; 人非木石[土木] Man is a sentimental creature.; 人粪尿 night soil; human waste [excrement]; 人逢喜事精神爽 People are in high spirits when involved in happy events.; 人浮于事 overstaffed; more personnel [candidates] than work available; be overstaffed; have more hands than needed; more men than work; superfluous staff; 人格 personality; character; individuality; moral quality; human dignity; legal entity; 人各有志 Different people have different aspiration.; Everyone has his own ambition.; 人工 man-made; artificial; manual work; work done by hand; 人工操作 manual operation; hand operation; 人工电话 manual telephone system; 人工智能 {自} artificial intelligence; 人公里 {交} passenger-kilometre; 人贵有自知之明 It is important to know one's own limitations.; 人海 a sea of faces; a huge crowd (of people); “人海战术” “tactics of human sea” — a big increase in the labour force; 人和 unity and coordination within one's own ranks; support of the people; 人欢马叫 people bustling and horses neighing; a busy, prosperous country scene; 人(-)机 man-machine; 人机对话 man-machine-dialog; man-machine conversation; man-machine interaction; man-computer dialogue; 人迹 human footmarks; traces of human presence; 人迹罕至 (the place where) few people tread; 人急计生 A man becomes wise [resourceful] in a crisis [when an emergency arises].; 人祭 human sacrifice; 人际关系 interpersonal relation; interpersonal relationship; human relations; personal relations; 人家 household; family; 人家 other; another; he; she; they; I; 人间 man's world; the world; 人间春色 the fairest in the world of men; 人间沧桑 the shifts and changes of life; mutability of human affairs; 人间地狱 a hell on earth; a hell of a life; a living hell; human hell; life's hell on earth; 人间天堂[乐园] an earthly paradise; a holy and beautiful paradise on earth; (a) heaven on earth; paradise on earth; 人间正道 Man's world; 人皆有过 All men are fallible.; To err is human.; 人杰 an outstanding personality; 人尽其才 give full scope to the talents; Everybody was let to display his talents fully.; Let everybody fully display his talents [attainments].; The talent of every individual can be turned to good account.; 人尽其才, 物尽其用 make the best possible use of men and material; 人尽其力 everyone doing his best; 人均收入 per capita's income; per person income; 人均总产值 GNP per person; 人口 population; number of people in a family; 人口抽样调查 population sampling investigation; 人口普查 population census; 人口素质 population quality; 人口学 demography; larithmics; 人口自然增长率 natural population growth rate; 人来人往 People are hurrying [passing] to and fro.; an excited coming and going of people; many people coming and going; People come and go.; 人老珠黄 one getting old like the pearl becoming yellow; An old man, like a worn-out yellow pearl, is of little worth.; be in the sear and yellow; lose one's looks; no longer held in esteem; 人类 human; mankind; humanity; 人类学 anthropology; 人力 manpower; manual labour; labour power; 人力车 a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by man; [旧] rickshaw; jinrikisha; jinriksha; 人力物力 manpower and material resources; 人流 stream of people; 人伦 human relations (according to feudal ethics); 人马 forces; troops; staff; 人马(星)座 {天} Sagittarius; 人满为患 The house is crowded in every part.; be overcrowded [overfilled]; The place is packed.; 人们 people; men; the public; humanity; 人面禽兽 a creature with a human face; 人面兽心 One's human exterior conceals the nature of a wolf.; a brute of a man; a brute under a human mask; a fiend in human shape; a man's face but the heart of a beast; be a beast in human form; bear the semblance of an angel but have the heart of a devil; be a wolf in sheep's clothing; have the face of a human being, but the heart of a beast; with a human face and the heart of a beast; 人面桃花 The girl's face and the peach flowers (reflect each other's glow).; a charming face among peach blossoms; The peach blossoms are as lovely as one's sweetheart's cheeks.; 人民 the people; 人民币 Renminbi (RMB); 人民公社 people's commune; 人民法院 people's court; 人民公仆 people's public servants; 人民检察院 people's procuratorate; 人民调解委员会 committee of people's mediation; 人民战争 people's war; 人名录 directory; 人名学 study of personal names; {语} anthroponymy; 人命 human life; 人命关天 A case involving human life is to be treated with the utmost care.; A human life is of greater value than everything.; It involved such an important matter as the life of a human being.; Murder is a crime as high as the Heaven.; There is nothing more important than human life.; To kill a person is a crime as high as Heaven.; 人命危浅 be critically ill; at the point of death; be dying; be in danger of death; Death is expected at any moment.; One's days are numbered.; One's life is not long and one is about to die.; 人莫予毒 No one dares harm me — an arrogant boast.; No one dares to hurt me.; 人脑 human brain; 人怕出名猪怕壮 A man dreads fame as a pig dreads being fat.; Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs.; One fears to arouse trouble after being famous just as a pig is slaughtered after being fat.; One is timid and lacks creativity after getting fame.; 人品 moral standing; moral quality; character; [口] looks; bearing; 人品出众 with an excellent character; 人强马壮 The horses and men are strong.; The fighting men were strong and the horses were (fed) fat.; The men are fit and the horses in good condition.; The men are strong and the horses swift.; 人琴俱亡 both the man and his lute have perished — death of a friend; be mournful over the deceased on seeing the thing left behind by him; Gone is the music with the man.; 人情 human feelings; human sympathy; sensibilities; human relationship; favour; gift; present; 人情练达 experienced [seasoned] in the ways of the world; understanding of worldly wisdom; 人情冷暖 Men's feelings are changeable.; fickleness of human nature;fickleness of wordly relationship between man and man;one's attitude towards another changing with the latter's social position; 人情世故 traditional code of conduct; the ways of people; the ways of the world; worldly wisdom; 人穷志不穷 Though one is poor, he has lofty [high] aspirations.; poor but with lofty ideas; 人穷志短 When a man is poor his ambition is not far-reaching.; Poverty acquaints men with strange bedfellows.; Poverty and ambition make strange bedfellows.; Poverty stifles ambition.; 人权 human rights; rights of man; personal right; 人权宣言 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789); Declaration of Human Rights; 人群 crowd; throng; multitude; 人人 everybody; everyone; 人人皆知 All the world knows.; Everybody realizes that...; 人人平等 Everyone is equal.; All men are equal.; 人人有责 Everybody is responsible.; Everyone bears his share of the responsibility for ... ; the duty of everyone; 人人自危 Everybody will be deterred by the danger.; Everyone feels himself imperilled.; Everyone feels in danger.; Everyone feels insecure.; 人日 man-day; 人山人海 huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces]; the sea of humanity (in a crowd); 人身 living body of a human being; person; 人参 ginseng; 人声 voice; 人声嘈杂[鼎沸] The clamors of the people bubbled up, (as a seething cauldron).; a confused noise of voices; a hubbub of voices; a tremendous hubbub; noise and shouts in great commotion; (The whole village) was bubbling over like a cauldron of boiling water.; 人生 life; 人生大事 the most important event of one's life; 人生地疏 a stranger in a strange place; unfamiliar with the people and the place; 人生几何 How long is a man's life?; How brief life is!; How long is human life?; Man's life is not very long.; 人生观 out look on life 人生如寄 Men's life is like boarding in this world.; 人生如梦 Life is but a dream.; 人生一世,草生一秋 Man lives just a generation, and grass exists just for a year.; 人生朝露 The life of a man is like the morning dew.; 人时 {工管} man-hour; 人士 personage; public figure; 人世 this world; the world; 人世沧桑 Human events are as uncertain as the weather.; instability of human affairs; mutability of human affairs; the vicissitudes of human affairs; tremendous changes in the world; 人事 human affairs; occurrences in human life; personnel matters; ways of the world; consciousness of the outside world; what is humanly possible; 人事不省 athymia; apsychia; cataphora; unconsciousness; 人事沧桑 the shifting scenes of life; the ebb and flow of life; the instability [mutability] of human affairs; the shifts and changes of life; 人事沉浮 There is a tide in the affairs of men.; 人手 manpower; hand; 人手一册 every one has a copy; 人寿保险 life insurance; 人寿年丰 The land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health.; There have been bumper [good; rich] harvests in succession and the people (there) live to a great age.; There is a series of good harvests and the people all live to a great age.; 人所共知 It is evident to anyone ...; as is clear to everyone; as is known to all [everybody]; It is clear to all that ...; within the knowledge of all; 人同此心,心同此理 Everybody feels the same about this [it].; People feel and think alike on this matter.; The sense of justice and rationality is the same with everybody.; 人头税 poll tax; capitation; head tax; 人微言轻 In one's humble position, one's word does not carry much weight.; The words of the lowly carry little weight.; When a man is in a low position, his words are of little effect.; 人为 artificial; man- made; 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 be meat on sb.'s chopping block — to be at sb.'s mercy; be cruelly oppressed; let the opponent hold the power; treat an inferior any way one pleases; 人为万物之灵 Man is the intelligent part of the universe.; 人为财死,鸟为食亡 Human beings die in pursuit of wealth, and birds die in pursuit of food.; The wages of avarice is death.; 人文科学 the humanities; humane studies; 人文学科 humanities; 人文主义 humanism; 人无远虑,必有近忧 If one has no long-term considerations, he can hardly avoid troubles every now and then.; He who has no anxious thoughts for the future will find trouble right at hand.; If a man is not far-sighted he is bound to encounter difficulties in the near future.; Those who do not plan for the future will find trouble at their doorstep.; Unpreparedness spells failure.; 人物 figure; personage; person in literature; character; 人像 portrait; image; figure; 人心 popular feeling; public feeling; the will of the people; 人心不足蛇吞象 A man whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant.; 人心惶惶 jittery; panicky; Everyone else is jittery.; 人心齐,群山移 When men are of one heart, they can move mountains.; If we all pull together, we can move the highest mountain.; 人心所向 the popular sentiment; accord with the will of the people; the avowed feelings [common aspiration] of the people; the direction of popular feeling; the feelings of the people; 人心向背 the public attitude for or against; the feelings of the people; whether the people are for or against; win or lose popular support; win or lose the loyalty of the people with whom popular sympathy lies; 人行道 footwalk; footway; side pavement; sidewalk; trottoir; 人行横道 pedestrian crosswalk; pedestrian crossing; [英] zebra crossing; 人行林荫道 pedestrian mall; 人行桥 foot bridge; 人行隧道 pedestrian tunnel; 人行天桥 pedestrian over -crossing; passenger foot-bridge; 人性 human nature; humanity; 人性 normal human feelings; reason; 人选 person selected; choice of persons; 人烟 signs of human habitation; household; 人烟稠密 densely populated; a densely populated locality; crowded with people; It is quite a busy place.; thickly peopled; 人言可畏 People will talk.; fear of incurring gossip; Gossip is a fearful thing.; 人言啧啧 Complaints are whispered in a good-natured way (since no one dares make an open protest).; There are plenty of criticisms.; There is a good deal of unfavourable comment.; 人仰马翻 men and horses thrown off their feet — utterly routed; confused fighting on battlefield; The bodies of men and horses littered the ground — to suffer a crushing defeat.; 人要脸,树要皮 “Face” is as important to man as the bark is to the tree.; 人以群分 Brids of a feather flock together.; Like attracts like.; Like begets like.; People are always divided into factions.; People of one mind fall into the same group.; People of the same sort are usually attracted to one another.; People of the same tastes and habits like to be together.; 人影儿 the shadow of a human figure; the trace of a person's presence; figure; 人有旦夕祸福 Man's fate is as uncertain as the weather.; 人有脸, 树有皮 The face is as important to a man as the bark is to a tree.; 人员 personnel; staff; 人猿 man ape; anthropopithecus; 人缘儿 relations with people; popularity; 人云亦云 repeat word for word what others say; echo the views of others; follow another's lead in voicing opinions; follow what others have said; parrot; repeat others' ideas; repeat what others say; say what everybody says; 人造 man-made; artificial; imitation; 人造地球卫星运行轨道 orbit of artificial earth satellite; 人造心脏 artificial heart; 人证 {律} testimony of a witness; 人证物证 witness and material evidence; evidence in persons and things; human testimony and material evidence; men and material evidence; 人之常情 It's only human [human nature] (to).; a constant occurrence in human relationships; feelings common to all ordinary people; human nature; natural and normal (in human relationships); the way of the world; This is a matter of common sense among the people; 人之初, 性本恶 Man's nature is evil at birth.; 人之初, 性本善 Man's nature is good at birth.; 人之将死,其言也善 A man's words are good when death is near.; Men speak kindly in the presence of death.; One makes pretty speeches when he is on his deathbed.; When a man is near death he speaks from his heart.; 人质 hostage; 人治 the rule by man; rule of man; 人中 {解} philtrum; {穴位} Renzhong (GV 26); 人种 ethnic group; the human species; race; 人字形 herringbone; 人走茶凉 The tea cools down as soon as the person is gone.; No sooner has the person gone away than the tea cools down.; the superficiality of human relationships

human being;man;person;people
~是要有一点精神的。Man must have some spirit./~为万物之灵。Of all living creatures,the human being is the one endowed with most intelligence./不受欢迎的~persona non grata[拉](a person who is not welcome)/受欢迎的~persona grata[拉](a person who is welcome)/~与自然和谐发展harmonious development of men and nature/~皆难免犯错误humanum est errare[拉]/~的价值、权益和自由human values,rights and freedoms/~的社会性social nature of man





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