释义 |
产(産)chǎnⅠ ❶ (人或动物的幼体从母体中分离出来) give birth to;be delivered of;breed: 流 ~ miscarriage;abortion; 难 ~ a difficult delivery; 顺 ~ an easy delivery; 死 ~ still birth; 早 ~ premature birth; 助 ~ midwifery; 她昨晚 ~ 下一个女孩。 She gave birth to a girl last night. 熊猫每胎 ~ 仔一、二只。 Pandas have only one or two young at a birth. ❷ (创造财富;生产;出产) produce;yield: ~ 棉区 cotton-producing area;~ 油 produce oil;oil-producing; 奶牛 ~ 奶。 Cows yield milk. 著名的北京鸭就是这儿 ~ 的。 The famous Beijing ducks are produced here. 最大最好吃的苹果 ~ 于大连。 The largest and most delicious apples come from Dalian. Ⅱ ❶ (物产;产品) product;produce: 矿 ~ mineral products; 水 ~ aquatic [marine] product; 土特 ~ local and special products ❷ (产业) property;estate: 房地 ~ real estate [property];家 ~ family possessions ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 麟 Chan Lin ◆产床 obstetric table; 产蛋 lay eggs; 产地 place of production;place of origin;locality of growth;producing area; 产犊 {牧} calving; 产儿 newborn baby; 产房 delivery room; 产妇 lying-in woman;delivery woman;puerpera;puerperant; 产羔 {牧} lambing;kidding; 产、供、销 production,the procurement of the means of production,and marketing;production,procuring its materials,sales business;production,supply and marketing of products;engage in production,obtain material supplies and market their products;procurement of supplies,production and marketing; 产后 postpartum;after delivery;after childbirth; 产假 maternity leave; 产科 (医疗机构中的一科) obstetrical [maternity] department;(产科学) obstetrics; 产量 output;yield;throughput;harvest;outturn;crop;volume of production; 产卵 oviposition;(鸟、家禽) lay eggs;(鱼、蛙) spawn;sile;spawning;(昆虫) oviposit;blow; 产奶 (生产出奶) give milk;(奶的生产) milk production; 产品 product;produce;fabric;tailorism; 产品质量 products quality; 产婆 [旧] mid-wife; 产期 term;lying-in; 产钳 {医} obstetric forceps; 产前 antenatal; 产权 property right; 产权交易 property-rights exchange; 产权转让 property rights transfer; 产褥期 {医} puerperium;duration of confinement; 产褥热 {医} puerperal fever;lechopyra; 产生 (出现) produce;engender;(形成;发生) emerge;come into being;production;generation;causing;effecting; 产物 outcome;result;product; 产销 production and marketing; 产业 (私有财产) estate;property;(工业生产的) industrial; 产院 a maternity hospital; 产值 value of output;output value; 产仔 {牧} farrowing 产chǎnchildbirth; delivery; parturition |