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单词 交头接耳

交头接耳jiāo tóu jiē ěr

exchange confidential whispers;talk in a whisper; speak in each other’s ears; whisper into each other’s ears; whisper to one another (/each other)
❍ 这里冯云卿跟何慎庵也~了好半天。(茅盾《子夜》332) While Feng Yunqing and He Shen’an also settled down to a private conversation.
❍ 这个朴素、孤单的美丽的少女,立刻引起了车上旅客们的注意,尤其男子们开始了~的议论。(杨沫《青春之歌》3)Soon this solitary,attractive but simply clad girl had aroused the interest of her fellow passengers,par ticularly of the men,who began to exchange remarks and hazard guesses about her.
❍ 他那三四个~说话,正不听的说甚么。(《水浒全传》118) Those four men are exchanging confidential whispers so that I cannot make out what they are talking about.
❍ 还有七八个人,~的议论我,又怕我看见。(《鲁迅选集》上—2) There were also seven or eight others,who discussed me in a whisper. And they were afraid of my seeing them.
❍ 一部分的老头,也都~,跑进跑出的很起劲。(鲁迅《故事新编》47) Some of the old men indulged eagerly in whispered confabulations,running briskly in and out.
❍ 学生们在院子里、操场上三三两两~地谈着什么,紧张地商量着什么。(杨沫《青春之歌》274) In the play ground,boys and girls in twos and threes were talking in conspiratorial whispers.
❍ 他们却~,说话都不听得。(《水浒全传》 118) But those men talked mouth to ear and she could not hear well what they said./……一种过惯了吃租放债生活的乡下财主的神气满面可掬,却~的悄悄地商量着什么。(茅盾《子夜》203)…suggested that they had lived a comfortable and idle life in the country as rich landlords and usurers. They sat with their heads together conferring in whispers.

交头接耳jiāo tóu jiē ěr

交头:头靠着头;接耳:嘴凑近耳朵。形容两人挨的很近,低声交谈。whisper to each other, speak in each other’s, head to head





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