释义 |
井井有条jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo(be arranged) in good(/perfect) order; in an orderly manner; put into apple-pie order; in perfect trim; methodical neat and orderly; shipshape ❍ 看得出来,在平时,屋子里的陈设都摆得~。(曹禺《明朗的天》4) It is evident that previously everything in the office must have been kept in perfect order. ❍ 他……想找点零活儿干干。可是伙房里整理得~,…… (金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》396) He looked round for some odd job he could do,but the kitchen was neat and orderly. ❍ 鲁小姐上侍霜姑,下理家政,~,亲戚无不称羡。(《儒林外史》164) His young wife looked after her mother-in-law and managed household affairs so well that all the relatives praised her. 井井有条orderly;in perfect order;methodical 文件放得~。The documents are kept in perfect order./货物摆放得~。All the goods are stacked in neat piles./~地工作work methodically 井井有条jǐnɡ jǐnɡ yǒu tiáo井井:整齐。做事有条理,丝毫不乱。methodical, in an orderly manner, bristol fashion, be arranged in good order |