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单词 互相


mutual;each other;one another
~校阅全权证书,认为妥善后,议定下列各条after having exchanged their full powers,found in good and due form,have agreed on the following (or as follows)/~保证条约mutual guarantee treaty/~标榜eulogizing and boosting each other /~拆台cut the ground (or pull the rug) from under each other's feet /~扯皮wrangle endlessly;argue back and forth;argue over triffles; bicker/~吹嘘sing each other's praise;lavish praise on each other/~妨碍get in each other's way /~勾结work in collusion (or hand in glove)/~呼应act in concert with;mesh with/~监督mutual supervision/~借鉴mutual enrichment /~利用each using the other for his own ends /~排斥be mutually exclusive; incompatible/~配合work in coordination/~牵制mutual containment (of departments,regions,etc);hamstringing one another/~渗透infiltrate into each other; interpenetrate/~适应mutual adaptation /~同意mutual consent/~通知notify each other /~推诿shift responsibility (or blame)onto each other;pass the buck; buckpassing; mutually shirk responsibility/~信任mutual trust/~依存interdependence; depend on each other for existence/~影响interaction/~迎合mutual accommodation/~掣肘hold each other back/~制约check (or restrain,restrict,condition)each other; check and balance /~转化reciprocal transformation; transform into each other/~尊重mutual respect





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