单词 | grain |
释义 | grain/ɡreɪn/ n (1)谷物(类)(seeds of wheat,rice,etc plants)[U]:~imports/exports 谷物进/出口;a~elevator 斗式谷物传送机;have surplus~有多余的粮食;bushels/bags of~几蒲式耳/袋谷物;a cargo of~一船谷物; (2)谷粒(single example of such seeds)[C]:every~of rice 每粒稻子;a few~s of rice几粒稻谷; (3)颗(粒)(any small,hard particle,as of sand,gold,pepper,gunpowder,etc)[C]:a~of sand/gold/salt 一颗沙/金/盐粒;sugar~s 糖渣; (4)微量,少许,一点(very small amount)[C](fig):have not a/the slightest~of humor/sense/intelligence 没有一点点幽默/辨别力/智慧;There isn't a~of truth in the story. 这个故事中没有丝毫真实的东西。 a few~s of truth 一点真实的东西;〖同〗bit; (5) 1)质地;(石头等组成的)颗粒度(relative size of the particles of a substance)[U]:a stone of fine/medium/coarse~质地细/中等/粗的石头; 2)(木,石等的)纹理(arrangement or pattern of lines that are present in some substances such as wood,rock,cloth,etc)[U]:cut meat/wood in the direction of/along/across the~顺纹/顺纹/横纹切肉/砍木头;the attractive~of the table 好看的桌面纹理; be/go against the grain 违反意愿;与性格格格不入:It goes against the~for me to tell lies/agree with him. 让我撒谎/同意他的意见,这违背我的天性。 with a grain of salt 不全信某人的话;take sb's words with a~of salt 不全信某人的话;have sb's statement taken with a~of salt 对某人的声明不全信; →′grainy adj 粒状(面)的; 【辨异】grain 与corn 的区别见CORN。 |
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