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(一加一后所得) two:~ 两茶叶 two liang of tea;~ 路公共汽车 No. 2 bus;~ 嫂 wife of one's second elder brother;~ 者必居其一 either one or the other;
三千 ~ three thousand two hundred;
一百 ~ a hundred and twenty;~ ~ 得四。Twice two is four. ~ 层楼 [英] first floor;[美] second floor Ⅱ (两样) diffe ̄ rent:不 ~ 法门 standard practice;
不 ~ 价 one-price;~ 心 disloyalty;half-heartedness
◆二八弘规 the full regulations;
二八佳人 sixteen-year-old beauty;a budding beauty;
二-八进制 binary octal;
二八年华 sweet sixteen [seventeen];二把刀 [方] have a smattering of a subject; smatterer; 二百二 [口] {药} mercurochrome;
二百里领海权 maritime rights over 200 nautical miles;
二百五 [口] a stupid person;[方] dabbler;smatterer;
二倍化 {植} diploidi ̄ zation;
二倍体 diploid;diplont;
二苯 hexichol;
二便不利 difficulty in urination and defecation;
二便失禁 urinary and fecal incontinence;
二遍苦,二茬罪 suffer oppression and exploitation all over again;
二步法 two step method [process];二步序列 two-stage sequential;
二部合唱 chorus for two parts;
二部教学 double-session studies;
二部制 two-shift system;two part-time shifts;
二层楼公寓 maison(n)ette;
二叉 Y-bend;
二陈汤 {中药} Erchen Tang;
二齿锄 prong hoe;
二冲程 two stroke;
二重 two-fold;double;
二重性 ambiguity;dual character;dual nature;duality;
二传 {体} toss;
二醇 glycol;-diol;
二磁头磁带录像机 two-head video tape recorder;
二次 secondary;{数} quadratic;
二次电子 secondary electrons;
二次方曲线 {数} quadratic curve;
二次型性能指标 quadratic performance index;
二等 second-class;second-rate;
二等分 bisection;biset;halve;
二地主 sub-landlord;
二点 two-point;
二度烧伤 second-degree burn;
二端 two terminal;
二端网络 single-terminal pair;one-terminal pair network;two-terminal network;
二段抽样 two-step sampling;
二段法 two-phase method;
二段式 two-period form;form of two divisions;
二段通讯 two stage communication;
二房东 sublessor (of a room or house); sub-landlord or sub-landlady;
二分 dichotomia;dichotomy;{天} (春分,秋分) equinoctial;
二分法 {计} dichotomy;dichotomization;method of bisection;
二分裂 biparti ̄ tion;binary fission;
二分之一 one-half;
二伏 the second of the three ten-day periods of the hot season;
二副 {航海} second mate;second officer;
二锅头 a strong spirit usually made from sorghum;
二胡 erhu,a two- stringed bowed instrument with a lower register than jinghu;urheen;urhien;urhheen;erhu fiddle;
二虎相争,必有一伤 When two tigers fight,one is sure to lose.;
二花脸 a kind of “painted face” ;(a character type in Chinese operas) characterized by actions,expressions and postures;
二花水仙 primrose peerless (narcissus);
二话 demur;objection;
二黄[簧] erhuang,one of the two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas;erhuang melodies;
二婚头 [旧] woman who marries twice;a remarried woman;
二极 dipolar;ambipolar;
二极管 {电子} diode;two-electrode valve;
二价 divalent;bivalence;bivalency;dyadic;
二剪羊 two-shear ram;
二校 {刷} second proof;
二阶 {数} second order;
二进 binary;
二进码 binary code;
二进数 binary number;dyadic number;
二进位 binary bit;scale-of-two;
二进制码 binary code;binary digit;bit;
二进制-十进制变换 binary-to-decimal conversion;
二进制数字 binary digit;binary numeral;
二郎腿 cross-legged;
二老双亲 father and mother;one's parents;
二垒 {体} second base;keystone;keystone corner [sack];二类物资 means of production in Category Ⅱ;Supplies under Category Ⅱ;二愣子 rash fellow;
二粒小麦 emmer wheat;two- grained spelt;
二联 bigeminy;
二流 second class;second-rate;
二流子 loafer;idler;bum;
二龙戏水 Two dragons are sporting [playing] in the water.;
二龙戏珠 Two dragons are playing with a pearl [ball].;Two dragons play with a pearl [with pearls].;二楼厅座 upper circle;
二律背反 antinomy;
二卵双胞[胎] dizygotic twins;fraternal twins;binovular twins;dioval twin;
二轮 {影} second-run;
二轮手车 tumbril;
二门 {建} second gate leading to the main court;
二面角 {数} dihedral angle;
二面体 {数} dihedron;
二妙散 {中药} Ermiao San;
二名法 {生} binomial nomenclature;
二拇指 index finger;forefinger;
二难推理 {逻} dilemma;
二年级(大)学生 sophomore;
二年生 {植} biennial;
二年制初级学院 two-year junior college;
二拍子 {音} two beat;
二品种杂交 single two-way cross;
二期缝术 {医} secondary suture;
二期愈合 healing by second intention;second intention;
二七大罢工 the Great Strike of February 7,1923 (an anti-imperialist,anti-warlord strike of the Beijing-Hankou Railway workers led by the Chinese Communist Party);
二强雄蕊 {植} didynamous stamen;didynamous;
二羟基 dyhydroxy;dyhydroxyl;
二全音符 {音} breve;
二泉映月 The Moon Over a Fountain;
二群模型 {物} two-group model;
二人博奕[对策] two-person game;
二人锯 saw for two men;
二人台 a popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet;
二人转 a song-and-dance duet popular in the Northeast of China;
二色镜 {光} dichroic mirror;dichroscope;
二色全息图 {物} two-colour hologram;
二色视者 dichromat;
二上二下斜纹 {纺} cassimere twill;Harvard twill;sheeting twill;two-and-two twill;
二声道立体发声 stereophonic;
二十 twenty;
二十八脉 {中医} twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition;
二十八宿 {天} the lunar mansions;
二十分之一 twentieth;
二十角形 icosagon;
二十进制 binary-coded decimal;
二十面体 {数} icosahedron;
二十四节气 the 24 solar terms (立春 the Beginning of Spring;
雨水 Rain Water;
惊蛰 the Waking of Insects;
春分 the Spring Equinox;
清明 Pure Brightness;
谷雨 Grain Rain;
立夏 the Beginning of Summer;
小满 Grain Full;
芒种 Grain in Ear;
夏至 the Summer Solstice;
小暑 Slight Heat;
大暑 Great Heat;
立秋 the Beginning of Autumn;
处暑the Limit of Heat;
白露 White Dew;
秋分 the Autumnal Equinox;
寒露 Cold Dew;
霜降 Frost's Descent;
立冬 the Beginning of Winter;
小雪 Slight Snow;
大雪 Great Snow;
冬至 the Winter Solstice;
小寒 Slight Cold;
大寒 Great Cold);
二十四史 the Twenty-Four Histories (dynastic histories from remote antiquity till the Ming Dynasty);a long intricate story;
二十四小时轨道 twenty-four-hour orbits;
二十五周年纪念 silver jubilee;(中日友好)二十一世纪委员会 Twenty-first Century Committee (for China-Japan Friendship);
二手货 second-hand goods;
二手设备 second-hand equipment;
二熟制 {农} double cropping;
二踢脚 [方] double-bang firecracker;double-explosion firecracker;
二头肌 {解} musculus biceps;
二万五千里长征 The Long March of 25,000 Li;
二维 {数} two dimension;
二位二进制数 dibit;
二五混合码十进制数 biquinary-coded decimal number;
二五混合进位制计数法 biquinary notation;biquinary number representation;
二五眼 [方] of inferior ability or quality;an incompetent person;
二弦琴 gue;
二线制 two-wire system;two-wire channel;
二项 {数} binomial;
二项式 {数} binomial expression;binomial;
二相 {物} two-phase;diphase;
二向分类 two-way classification;
二向复制 bidirectional replication;
二向固结 two dimensional consolidation;
二向色反射镜 dichroic mirror;
二向色镜 {光} dichroscope;
二象性 {物} dual property;duality;
二性子 (两性人) bisexual person;
二姓之好 Two families are linked up through marriage.;
二氧化氮 {无化} nitrogen dioxide;
二氧化硫 sulfur dioxide;
二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide;
二氧化碳 carbon dioxide;
二氧化物 dioxide;
二义情况 {数} ambiguous case;
二义性 ambiguity;
二元 binary;dual;dualistic;
二元论 {哲} dualism;dualist approach;
二原形 {植} diarch;
二月 February;the second month of the lunar year;the second moon;
二载流子理论 {固物} two-carrier theory;
二者居一 It is [must be] one or the other.;There are only two alternatives.;
二者取[选]一 choose one or the other of these two;make a choice between...;
二值 two-value;
二至 solstitial;
二轴客车 carriage with two axles;
二浊 {中医} reddish and whitish turbid urine





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