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单词 事不宜迟

事不宜迟shì bù yí chí

the matter brooks no delay; one cannot afford any delay; let there be no delay; one must attend to the matter immediately;one must be quick about it; one must lose no time in doing it; there’s no time to be lost; the sooner the better; tomorrow never comes
❍ ~,于是她立即对大娘说:“大娘,我屋里有了蚊子,您帮我熏一熏。我找小素有点事,一会儿就回来。”(杨沫《青春之歌》342) Here was a chance she could not afford to let slip.“Aunty,there are mosquitoes in here,”she said. “Do you mind lighting some mosquito-incense for me? I have something to say to Xiaosu. I’ll be back in a mi nute. ”/燕青道,“~,我背着主人去。”(《水浒全传》786)Yan Qing replied,“Yet we cannot delay. I will take you on my back,my Master.”/高夫人斩钉截铁地说:“~,请不要再争执下去! ……”(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—246) Guiying put in resolutely,“We can’t afford moredelay,so stop arguing…”/这伪装为书店的联络站,不但不能使用,而且必须立刻放弃了。~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》125) This liaison post was useless now,and must be abandoned immediately. Delay would be fatal.
❍ 柴进道: “我自有誓书铁卷护身,你便去时,~。”(《水浒全传》654) Chai Jin said,“I have the royal pledge with which to protect my person. Do you go then,and let there be no delay. ”/你自己决定吧! 不过~,再说就过不去铁路了,他们还在那里等着我。(知侠《铁道游击队》522) Make your own decision! You must be quick about it. Otherwise we won’t be able to cross the track. Our men’re waiting for me over there.
❍ ~,便请择吉。(《三国演义》629) This matter should not be delayed and we pray you to choose the auspicious day.
❍ ~,他立即做了决定:“放弃这个便宜,叫李东山回来,咱快走!”(冯志《敌后武工队》204) The matter would not wait,so he made the immediate decision to give up the bargain of the machine-gun.“Call Li Dongshan back,”he ordered,“and leave at once! ”/只是~,老爹就要去办。《儒林外史》232) But there’s not a moment to lose: you will have to get busy at once,sir.
❍ 宝钗和薛蝌一面劝慰,一面说道:“~!” (《红楼梦》1190) Baochai and Xue Ke,while consoling her,warned: “There’s no time to be lost! ”


must lose no time in doing a thing;must attend to the matter immediately; the matter brooks no delay;the matter needs immediate attention;there is no time to lose

事不宜迟shì bù yì chí

宜:应该。事情不应该拖延,应该抓紧时间去做。one must lose notime in doing it; most urgent; the sooner, the better





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