释义 |
事shìⅠ ❶ (事情) matter; affair, thing; business: 把坏 ~ 变成好 ~ turn a bad thing into a good one; 公 ~ public affairs; official business [duties]; 国家大 ~ affairs of state; 别叫我做办不到的 ~。 Don't ask me to do impossible things. 还有些未完成的 ~ 需要处理。 There is still some unfinished business to settle. 我们就这 ~ 请教过他。 We have consulted him about the matter. 要是你愿意承办这件 ~, 我将不胜感激。 If you will undertake the affair, I shall be very grateful. ❷ (事故) trouble; accident: 出 ~ have an accident; 惹 ~ make trouble; stir up trouble; 省了不少 ~ save a lot of trouble; 平安无 ~。 All is well. 一夜无 ~ 。 The night passed without accident. ❸ (职业;工作) job; work: 找 ~ look for a job; 有 ~ 大家做。 We should all share the work. ❹ (关系或责任) responsibility; involvement: 请回去吧, 没有你的 ~ 了。 Please go back, there is nothing of your concern now. 这件案子里还有他的 ~ 呢。 He was involved in the case, too. Ⅱ ❶ [书] (侍奉) wait upon; serve: ~ 父母 wait upon one's parents ❷ (从事) be engaged in: 不 ~ 生产 lead an idle life; 无所 ~ ~ doing nothing; loafing ◆事半功倍 yield [get] twice the result with half the effort; By doing half the work, one will get double the result.; get twofold results with half the effort; half the work with double results; 事倍功半 get half the results with double [twice] the effort; labour hard to little avail; mountain in labour; The mountains have brought forth a mouse.; twice the work with half the results; 事必躬亲 take care of every single thing personally; attend to everything personally; see to everything oneself; 事变 incident; emergency; exigency; the course of events; events; 事不关己, 高高挂起 Let things drift if they do not affect one personally.; stand aloof from things of no personal interest; 事不宜迟 This matter should not be delayed.; cannot delay matters; It permits of no delay.; lose no time; must not have the slightest delay in this matter; no time to lose; The matter brooks no delay.; The matter must not be delayed.; There is no need for any delay.; There should be no delay.; There's not a moment to lose.; 事出有因 A thing [Everything] has its cause.; It is by no means accidental.; not entirely devoid of truth; The cause is not far to seek.; There is a [good] reason [cause] for it.; There's no smoke without fire.; This happens not without reason.; 事到临头 when things come to a head; when the situation becomes critical; at the last moment; 事典 encyclopedia; 事端 disturbance; incident; dispute; 事非经过不知难 not to know how difficult the job is, unless one has done it oneself; A man does not know the difficulty of anything unless he does it personally.; One cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience.; One does not realize the difficulty of an undertaking until one has experienced it oneself.; 事功 [书] cause and contribution; 事故 malfunction; trouble; fault; failure; mistake; accident; mishap; 事过境迁 When the incident [matter] is over, the circumstances will be different [change].; The affair is over and the situation has changed.; The events have passed and the times have changed.; The incident is over and the circumstances are different.; 事后 after the event; afterwards; 事后诸葛亮 be wise after the event; be wise in retrospect; second guesser; 事机 confidential affairs; secret affairs; situation; circumstances; trend of events; 事迹 deed; achievement; 事假 leave of absence (to attend to private affairs); compassionate leave; 事件 event; incident; love; événement; 事理 reason; logic; 事例 example; instance; 事略 biographical sketch; short biographical account; 事前 before the event; in advance; beforehand; 事情 affair; matter; thing; business; 事权 [书] powers or authority of office; 事实 fact; 事实上 in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; actually; 事实胜于雄辩 Facts speak louder than words.; Facts are more eloquent than words.; Facts are stronger than arguments.; 事事 everything; 事态 state of affairs; situation; 事体 affair; matter; business; 事物 thing; object; arrangement; 事务 work; routine; affairs; general affairs; 事项 item; matter; 事业 cause; undertaking; enterprise; facilities; 事业单位 state-run institution; 事宜 matters concerned; arrangements; 事由 the origin of an incident; particulars of a matter; main content; 事与愿违 get the opposite of what one wants; achieve the opposite of what one intended; be contrary to what one expects; Events do not happen as one wishes.; One did not succeed in carrying out one's intention.; Reality does not accord with hopes.; The result is [turns out] contrary to one's expectations.; The result ran counter to one's desire.; The result was the reverse of one's wishes.; Things did not turn out the way one wanted it [had anticipated].; Things do not (always) turn out as one wishes.; Things go athwart (one's purpose).; Things go contrary to one's wishes.; Things have come out against sb.; Things have not been going the way one expected.; Things were not moving in the direction desired.; 事在人为 Human effort is the decisive factor.; Human effort can achieve anything.; It all depends on human effort.; Where there's a will there is a way.; 事主 the victim of a crime |