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单词 争权夺利

争权夺利zhēng quán duó lì

fight for power and privilege; scramble for power and gain; struggle for power and money (/profit)
❍ 他亲眼看到,这些疯狂侵略中国的鬼子,在他们没有负伤以前,是怎样象野兽样在屠杀中国人,毁灭中国的城市和乡村,现在负伤以后,又是怎样在~,疯狂的在掠夺中国的财富。(知侠《铁道游击队》130) He saw how the reckless aggressors who had brutally slaughtered the Chinese people and devas tated their cities and countryside fell out among themselves. Now they fought like cats and dogs,each trying to lay hold of China’s wealth for himself.
❍ 他们为了~,经常闹得不可开交。They were always locked in unending scramble for power and gain.
❍ 怎么插得进,人家说我们~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—278) But how can I do so now? Besides,other people will say that we are struggling for power and money.

争权夺利zheng quan duo li

scramble for power and wealth


scramble for power and benefit (or gain,wealth)

争权夺利zhēnɡ quán duó lì

争夺权力和利益。scramble for power and profit, be on the make, fight for power and money





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:03:28