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单词 goodness
goodness/ɡʊdnəs/ n

(1)善(优)良,良好(state of being morally good or acting in a good way)[U]:appreciate sb's~感谢某人的仁慈;have the~to shut the door 善意地关上门;have the~in one's eyes 某人眼中显现出善良;the~of human nature/sb's heart 人性善良/某人心地善良;one's~to other people/one's old parents 对别人心肠好/自己年迈的父母孝敬;a gentle woman of exceeding~一位极其善良的温柔女子;G~was beautiful. 德行是美的。〖反〗badness,evil,wickedness;

(2)养分,精华(best partesp (of food);the part which is good for health)[U]:boil out/get/lose all the~煮掉/得到/丢失所有的养分;much/a lot of~in food 食物的许多/大量营养;be full of~富于营养;~of workmanship 精湛的手艺;

(3)(表示惊讶,恼怒)(used in expression of surprise and annoyance)[接sing 动词][用于感叹句]:~knows 老天晓得;G~,what a big cake/I didn't expect to see you here. 天啊!好大的蛋糕/我没想到会在这儿见到你。For~' sake!看在老天爷的份上!Thank~!谢天谢地!My~/G~me/G~gracious (me)!天啊!(表示惊讶);

【辨异】goodness morality virtue均指性格和行为的品质可使具有者获得认可或尊重。goodness 简单词,用于表示在性格或行为中表现出的一般品质,例如:Many could tell of her goodness and kindness.(许多人都可讲出她的善良和仁慈。)morality(美德;道德)意味着与所认识到的正确行为的标准相符,如:a citizen of the highest morality(道德高尚的公民);virtue (美德;道德上的优良品质)用法相当正式,通常指经常在不顾引诱或邪恶的影响下意识到或一直保持的品德,如:unassailable virtue(不容置疑的美德);Patience is a virtue. (忍耐是一种美德。)





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