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单词 九霄云外

九霄云外jiǔ xiāo yún wài

beyond the highest (/ninth) heaven—forget completely (/all about); cast(/fling/throw) to the four winds; throw over board; be lost in oblivion/ “呵”,……面糊心花都开了。他笑得嘴都合不拢,眼角的皱纹挤得紧紧的,把他劝人入社的任务丢到~了。(周立波《山乡巨变》241)“Oh!”Flour-Paste’s heart blossomed,and he smiled so broadly that he could hardly close his mouth; the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were tightly squeezed together. His task of persuading his host to join the co-operative was crowded out of his mind into oblivion.
❍ 匡超人此时恍若亲见瑶宫仙子,月下嫦娥,那魂灵都飘在~了。(《儒林外史》242) Kuang felt he was gazing at a goddess and his spirit had flown to heaven.
❍ 两公子自从岁内为蘧公孙毕姻之事,忙了月余,又乱着度岁,把杨执中的话已丢在~。(《儒林外史》141)The two brothers had been busy for over a month arranging Chu Xianfu’s wedding,and when that was over they had started making preparations for New Year,with the result that they had forgotten all about Yang Zhizhong.
❍ 火逞风威,灰进上~。(《西游记》220)The fire’s helped by the wind,| So ashes burst beyond the Nine Fold Heaven.
❍ 那种泰然自若的神气早就跑到~去了。(曲波《林海雪原》84) There was no trace of his former composure.
❍ 不知为什么,陈大春今夜总是不想离开这一位姑娘。他把他跟盛清明的约会丢到~了。(周立波《山乡巨变》192) For some reason Chen Dachun didn’t want to leave her this evening and he threw his appointment with Sheng Qingming to the winds.

九霄云外jiu xiao yun wai

beyond the highest heaven

九霄云外jiǔ xiāo yún wài

九霄:高空。九重天的外面。比喻非常远。beyond the highest heavens, overboard, far away, cast to the winds





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