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单词 九死一生

九死一生jiǔ sǐ yī shēng

a hairbreadth (/narrow/near) escape from death; be a tight (/close /near) squeak (/call/shave); be nearly killed several times; escape by the skin of one’s teeth;survive all perils; survival after many hazards
❍ 他说他在战场上如何 “~”,说得唾沫乱飞,并且解开皮绑腿,摆起大腿来让大家欣赏他挂过彩的伤疤。(高云览《小城春秋》219) He talked dramatically of hair raising escapades in the campaign against the northern warlords,removing his puttees and rolling up his trouser leg to exhibit the scar on his thigh.
❍ 你祖宗~挣下这个家业,到如今不报我的恩,反和我充起主子来了!(《红楼梦》92)❶It was your great-granddad who built up this estate and nine times I snatched him back from the jaws of death. Now instead of showing yourselves properly grateful,you try to lord it over me.
❷It was your great-granddad,whose life I saved when he was given up for dead,that won all this for you,by the sweat of his brow.And what reward do I get for saving him? Nothing. Instead you come to me and you put on your Big Master act.

九死一生jiu si yi sheng

a narrow escape from death


escape death by a hair’s breath;narrow escape from death

九死一生jiǔ sǐ yī shēnɡ

形容经历过多次生死危险而幸免于难。a narrow escape from death, be a tight shave, a near escape, escape by a hairbreath





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更新时间:2025/3/7 10:28:14