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❶ (八加一后所得) nine: ~ 车间 No. 9 Workshop;~ 成新 ninety per cent new;
三三得 ~。 Three times three is nine.
❷ (表示多次或多数) many;numerous: ~ 曲桥 a zigzag bridge;
三弯 ~ 转 many twists and turns Ⅱ ❶ (从冬至起每九天是一个“九”) each of the nine nine-day periods beginning from the day after the Winter Solstice: 三 ~ the third nine-day period after the Winter Solstice;the coldest days of winter
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 嘉 Jiu Jia
◆九鼎大吕 The nine big tripods which,according to legend,were cast by Emperor Yu and handed down from dynasty to dynasty as symbols of imperial authority,and the big bells cast in Zhou dynasty — these were very valuable things in history.;One's words carries the weight of nine tripods — weighty advice.;
九段棋手 nine duan chess player;
九宫格儿 squared paper for practising Chinese calligraphy;
九九表 multiplication table;Pythagorean table;nine-times table;
九九重阳 the 9th day of the 9th lunar month;
九九归一 when all is said and done;after all;in the end;in the final analysis;in the last analysis;
九九归原 go back to the original place;return to where it started;
九流三教 the nine schools of thought and three religions;various religious sects and academic schools;all walks of like;people in various trades;people of all sorts;
九牛二虎之力 the strength of nine bulls and two tigers — tremendous effort;(spend) an immense amount of energy;all one's might;all one's strength;(make) Herculean efforts;
九牛一毛 a single hair out of nine ox hides;a drop in the bucket [ocean];a hair from nine cows — the least particle;a hair off a bull's back;
九品 the nine grades of rank in the feudal regimes;
九泉 [书] grave;the nether world;
九泉之下 in the lower [next] world;after death;dwelling place of the dead;in the realm of shades;in the nether regions;under the clod [sod];九三学社 Jiusan Society;
九死一生 be [have] a close [narrow] shave [squeak];a hairbreadth escape;a slim chance of surviving;a ten percent chance to survive;barely to escape death;be at death's door;
九天 the Ninth Heaven;the highest of heavens;
九天揽月 clasp the moon in the Ninth Heaven;pluck the moon out of the sky;
九天之上 (to be) up in the ninth heaven;
九霄云外 be flung to the four winds;beyond the highest heavens;most ephemeral clouds;take flight to the far land of Java;(consign) the land of nowhere,beyond the ninth heaven and the most ephemeral clouds;(recede from one's mind far into) the ninth celestial sphere;(vanish into) the ninth region of heaven;(have flown away into) the ninth sphere of the heavens;(throw) to the winds;
九月 September;the ninth month of the lunar year;the ninth moon;
九州 a poetic name for China;Kyushu





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