释义 |
乘风破浪chéng fēng pò làngbattle through the waves;brave the storms and winds; breast the waves; go with the gale and ride (/cleave) the waves;ride out the storm and break through the waves; ride the bounding main; sail into the teeth of a storm ❍ 开始,她感到惊奇、恐惧,后来又大大地狂喜起来,不住地鼓着手掌,睁大眼睛望着,张大嘴巴笑着,赞叹着眼前这些战士们~的英雄气概。(吴强《红日》388) Her first feelings were of amazement and alarm,but these were presently replaced by a frenzy of delight as,clapping her hands continuously,she stared wide eyed and smiled open-mouthed in her admiration for the heroic way in which these fighters before her were battling with furious speed through the waves. ❍ 轮船在~,汽车在驶过原野。(茅盾《子夜》130)…a fleet of merchantmen breasting the waves and a column of buses speeding through the country side. ❍ 渔户们~,驾驶渔船,乘着浪头冲去,一心要迈过长白山,驶向镜泊湖,建立闻名已久的镜泊湖鳌花渔场,创立自己的渔家天下。(曲波《林海雪原》566)Going with the gale and riding the waves,the fishermen wanted to sail over the mountains to Mirror Lake and build a new home. ❍ 困难是风,也是浪,咱经常和海打交道的人,就要~。(姜树茂《渔岛怒潮》338)Difficulties are like wind and waves,but we fishing folk can sail into the teeth of a storm. 《乘风破浪》cheng feng po langRiding the Wind and the Waves→草明 (Cao Ming) 乘风破浪brave winds and waves 中国这艘巨轮一定能够~、平稳航行。China,like a giant ship braving the wind and waves,will chart a steady course. 乘风破浪chénɡ fēnɡ pò lànɡ比喻不畏艰险,奋勇向前;也形容航行飞速。ride the wind and cleave the waves, brave the wind and the waves, ride the bounding main, sweep ahead of full sails |