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单词 乐极生悲

乐极生悲lè jí shēng bēi

extreme joy begets sorrow; extreme pleasure ends in sorrow; joy at its height engenders sorrow; too much joy leads to sorrow; when joy reaches its height,it is sorrow’s turn (/it gives place to sorrow); when the cup of happiness overflows,disaster follows
❍ ~,否极泰来。(《水浒全传》319)Ecstasy begets tragedy,from misery good fortune springs.
❍ 一日倘或‘~’,若应了那句‘树倒猢狲散’ 的俗语,岂不虚称了一世诗书旧族了? (《红楼梦》145) If one day it happens that at the height of good fortune “the tree falls and the monkeys scatter”as the old saying has it,then what will become of our cultured old family?/那时百姓受了些快乐,谁道乐极悲生? (《水浒全传》3) Then did the people rejoice. But who could foresee that joy must end and sorrow come?/故曰酒极则乱,乐极生悲,万事尽然。(《史记·滑稽列传》3199) As the old saying goes,‘Too much wine leads to licence and too much joy to sorrow’ This is true of everything.
❍ 我当时想,你们太舒服,应该吓一下,叫你们尝尝失去警惕,~的味道。(周立波《山乡巨变》202) I thought you were having too easy a time and I should give you a fright so that you would have a taste of tragedy after happiness for having lost your vi gilance.

乐极生悲le ji sheng bei

extreme joy begets sorrow


extreme joy begets sorrow;Joy at its height engenders sorrow; when the cup of happiness overflows,disaster follows; great happiness would culminate in sorrow.

乐极生悲lè jí shēnɡ bēi

快乐到极点转而发生了悲伤的事情。After joy comes sadness. Extreme joy begets sorrow. Great happiness would culminate in sorrow. Drunk days have all their tomorrows.





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更新时间:2024/11/15 16:22:51