释义 |
乐天知命知命乐天;乐听天命lè tiān zhī mìngaccept fate and be happy about it; gladly accept the heavenly commands; rest content; submit to the will of heaven and be content with one’s lot ❍ 你看这夫妇,绝无一点心想到功名富贵上去,弹琴饮酒,知命乐天。(《儒林外史》401) Look at this couple,though they haven’t the slightest desire for official rank,they play the lyre and drink,completely contented with their lot. ❍ 第一,是命理学——要~,命虽然苦,但还是应当乐。(鲁迅《准风月谈》30) The first requirement is a fatalist philosophy—men should be resigned to fate,and even if their fate is a sad one,one should rest contented. ❍ 这个党的任务是“组织民众协力建国”,培育民众具有“尊重礼敬、乐听天命”的精神。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》319) The purpose of the party was to “organize the masses to co-operate in building the nation” and to cultivate a spirit of “respect for the rites and glad acceptance of the heavenly commands.”/……要他知道~的道理,……(《儒林外史》112)…whatever fate may have in store for him, I want him to know how to rest content. 乐天知命le tian zhi mingsubmit to the will of heaven and be content with one's lot 乐天知命lè tiān zhī mìnɡ天:指大自然;命:性命。顺应命运的支配,安于现状。rest content, submit to the will of Heaven and be content with one’s lot |